Get ready for cuffing season with your autumn love horoscope based on your star sign and tarot readings.

As the days get shorter, will your zodiac sign be seeking a romantic partner for cozy nights?

September 18th 2024.

Get ready for cuffing season with your autumn love horoscope based on your star sign and tarot readings.
Are you excited for autumn? It's that time of year where the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, making us all crave coziness and companionship. This is also known as cuffing season, when people are more inclined to find love and settle down. Whether you're single or in a relationship, the stars are aligning for a romantic autumn, especially for certain zodiac signs.

Let's start with Aries. The tarot cards for autumn 2024 suggest that you should be yourself and let your true colors shine. Don't try to change or impress anyone, just be yourself and let love find you. The Page of Cups, Three of Cups, and Nine of Swords indicate that you may have been sacrificing your true self in order to please others. But this season, it's important to prioritize your own happiness and be true to yourself. This will attract the right kind of love into your life.

Next up is Taurus, and the tarot cards show a theme of renewal and new love. The High Priestess, Ace of Coins, and Page of Wands suggest that a new chapter is beginning in your love life. This could mean a proposal, engagement, or even a pregnancy. The key for you this season is to look within for the answers you need. Trust your gut instincts and don't rely on others to tell you what you want. The Page of Wands also hints at a carefree and happy approach to love, so don't stress about the future and just enjoy the present moment.

For Gemini, friendship may turn into something more this autumn. The Six of Coins, Temperance, and Queen of Wands suggest that a new friendship will develop into a romantic connection. As a social and intellectual person, you tend to value personality over passion or looks. So don't be surprised if you find yourself falling for someone you never expected. Embrace the unexpected and see where it takes you.

Cancer, get ready for a season of change. The tarot cards for you, the Eight of Swords, Death, and The Lovers, indicate that you may have a change of heart when it comes to your love life. This could mean letting go of old patterns or relationships that no longer serve you. But don't worry, because this will make room for something new and exciting to come into your life. The Lovers card also suggests that you may find love with someone unexpected, so keep an open mind.

Leos, it's time to take a break and focus on yourself this season. The Queen of Swords, Five of Cups, and Ten of Wands suggest that you may be feeling fatigued with love and relationships. Take some time for yourself and focus on your own personal growth and projects. If you're in a relationship, don't be afraid to take a step back and spend some time apart. And if you're single, don't feel pressured to constantly be dating. Enjoy some alone time and let love come to you when you're ready.

Virgos, get ready for a passionate and positive season of love. The Sun, Queen of Coins, and Six of Wands indicate that you may experience blessings and success in your love life this autumn. Fire signs, such as Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius, may be particularly compatible with you. This season may also bring opportunities for travel and new experiences with your partner. The Queen of Coins also suggests that your love life will align with your personal goals and values, making for a strong and supportive partnership.
Are you ready to snuggle up with a new love interest this season? As the nights get longer and the desire for cozy nights in grows, it can only mean one thing: cuffing season. Autumn is the prime time for finding love, as the end of summer sparks a yearning for settling down and cuddling with that special someone. And for those already coupled up, it's a particularly romantic time, especially for certain zodiac signs. So, let's take a look at your star sign's tarot love horoscope for this autumn, with three tarot cards drawn specifically for your sign and their meanings explained.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Let your true colors shine! The autumn love tarot cards for Aries are the Page of Cups, Three of Cups, and Nine of Swords. This is a reminder to be yourself and not mold yourself to fit someone else's expectations. It's draining and not sustainable. The Nine of Swords shows that you may have been doing this in attempts to please a partner, potential partner, or even their family and friends. While self-sacrifice is admirable, it can't be the norm or the foundation of a relationship. The Three of Cups encourages you to embrace your true self and do what you love, as that is when you are at your best. And the Page of Cups reminds you to let your natural humor, likes, opinions, and tastes shine, because your true partner will love you for who you are.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
This autumn brings the opportunity for renewal and fresh starts in your relationship realm, as shown by the High Priestess, Ace of Coins, and Page of Wands. The practical and prosperous Ace of Coins may bring a proposal, engagement, pregnancy, or just a new leaf. Embrace this shift and make it work. The High Priestess urges you to look within for your relationship needs and desires, as you are an analytical and shrewd person. Trust your gut instincts and take steps towards what you truly want. And the Page of Wands encourages you to live in the moment and not worry about what comes next, as each moment will naturally lead to the next.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)
For Geminis, many romances start as friendships. You value personality over passion or looks, and your attractions often begin with a liking for someone's intellect or humor. The autumn love tarot cards for Gemini are the Six of Coins, Temperance, and Queen of Wands. The Six of Coins indicates a new friendship with someone who is solid, loyal, and supportive, possibly an Earth sign. Temperance shows that from now until Christmas, your feelings will grow and shift to romantic lines. Initially, you may be unsure, but the bold Queen of Wands encourages you to take a risk and share your feelings, as they will be reciprocated. Don't be afraid to go for someone you wouldn't normally go for.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)
The autumn months bring big changes in your love life, Cancer. The Eight of Swords, Death, and The Lovers indicate a change of heart and a tumultuous season ahead. The Eight of Swords shows that you may have been settling for less than you deserve or trying to replace someone. But a revelation will open your mind to new options. Death signifies a major change and ending of old things, making way for something new. And The Lovers suggest a new, different, and possibly challenging romance emerging. Look out for Geminis and people you wouldn't normally go for.

Leo (July 24 - August 23)
As a Leo, you are known for having an active love life, but this autumn, you may find yourself wanting to step back and focus on yourself. The Queen of Swords, Five of Cups, and Ten of Wands suggest a season of more focus on you. The Queen of Swords shows a growing desire for alone time and personal growth. The Ten of Wands indicates a fatigue with love and relationships. If you're attached, seek outside projects and activities. If you're dating, scale back and make time for solo pursuits. The Five of Cups reminds you to not suppress your emotions to please someone else and to be yourself at all times.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)
This autumn brings a passionate, happy, successful, and positive season for love, Virgo. The Sun, Queen of Coins, and Six of Wands are the tarot cards for your love horoscope. The Sun is the most positive card and brings blessings to your love life, making anything possible. The Six of Wands reinforces this, indicating a midas touch and a potential fire sign (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) in your life. The Queen of Coins shows alignment between your love life and personal goals, and that the person you're with or about to meet is on the same page as you. They will be a genuine life ally, not just a romantic partner.

In conclusion, this autumn brings opportunities for love, change, and personal growth. Whether you're single or coupled up, remember to be yourself and trust your instincts in matters of the heart. And who knows, you may just find that special someone to snuggle up with during these cozy autumn nights.

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