Gemini's tarot horoscope predicts a bright and uplifting season ahead for those born under this star sign.

The sign's joyful and playful energy will lead you to new destinations.

May 18th 2024.

Gemini's tarot horoscope predicts a bright and uplifting season ahead for those born under this star sign.
As we approach the month of May, there's a sense of excitement in the air. The reason? It's Gemini season! Starting on May 20, this season brings with it all the curious, clever, and social vibes of the Gemini sign. As a proud Gemini myself, I can't help but look forward to this time of the year. However, I must admit, Geminis often get a bad reputation that is not entirely fair. We may change our minds quickly, but that's just because our minds work at lightning speed.

Gemini season is all about embracing our inner child and having a good time. It's a time for parties, quality time with family, and exploring new places and activities that stimulate our minds. We also tend to indulge in our nerdy side, enjoying weird topics and hobbies. So, let the tarot guide you towards the happy and playful vibes this May and June and be more like a Gemini.

For Aries, the tarot card for Gemini season is the Five of Swords. This card suggests that it's time to tackle the "rubbish stuff" right away. Whether it's toxic situations, roles you hate, or relationships that need mending, now is the time to address them. Aries, you're not one to fake your emotions, so don't try to pretend everything is okay. Deal with these issues head on so you can fully enjoy the party season ahead.

Taurus, your tarot card for Gemini season is The Magician. This card invites you to unleash your creativity and embrace your inner artiste. Taurus, you have a keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail, making you a perfectionist when it comes to your creative pursuits. So, this June, try something new, design a new space, or learn a new skill. You never know what amazing work you can produce when your creativity is sparked.

And for all my fellow Geminis out there, this is our season! The tarot card for Gemini season is The Lovers, and it's a clear indication to be ourselves completely and unapologetically. It's a time to follow our passions and do what feels right in the moment. Sure, it may lead to some interesting scenarios, but life is meant to be lived, not tiptoed through. So, let's fully embrace our Gemini selves this season.

Cancer, your tarot card for Gemini season is the Eight of Cups, and it's urging you to let go of anything that no longer serves you. It's time to distance yourself from people, situations, or roles that have consistently let you down. You deserve better, and it's time to focus on new friendships, activities, and interests that bring value to your life. Letting go may be tough, but with the detached mindset of a Gemini, you can do it.

Leo, the Page of Coins is your tarot card for Gemini season, and it's time to channel your inner Gemini and thirst for knowledge. As a lifelong student, embrace your love for learning and choose something new to delve into. It could be for career development, personal growth, or simply for the fun of it. The possibilities are endless, so go out there and explore.

For Virgo, the Eight of Wands is your tarot card for Gemini season, and it's a sign of a busy and eventful time ahead. With lots of invitations and social gatherings, you'll be in your element. Embrace the chance to meet new people and reconnect with old friends and family. It's a time to be open-hearted and have a blast with those around you.
Things are starting to look up as we enter Gemini season on May 20th. This season brings with it a plethora of curious, clever, and social vibes, as well as a love for parties. As a Gemini myself, I am ecstatic for this time of year. Unfortunately, Geminis often have a bad reputation, which is completely unwarranted. We are actually loyal, loving, and reliable individuals, despite our tendency to change our minds quickly. But hey, that's just a result of our quick-thinking minds, right?

Gemini season is all about having a good time and embracing our inner child. This means partying, spending quality time with family, exploring new places, trying out different activities to stimulate our minds, indulging in our bookish and nerdy sides, and enjoying peculiar topics and hobbies. Let the tarot be your guide to finding happiness and playfulness this May and June. Embrace your Gemini side and let loose!

Aries (March 21 - April 20) should tackle any undesirable tasks as soon as possible, according to the tarot card for Gemini season, the Five of Swords. This means exiting toxic situations, leaving jobs you hate, mending relationships that are important to you, finding resolutions to conflicts, and calling truces. Aries, you are not one to fake your emotions, so it's important to address any issues that may be weighing you down. Once you've dealt with these matters, it's time to celebrate and have some fun!

Taurus (April 21 - May 21), you are a deeply creative person, and the tarot card for Gemini season, The Magician, is encouraging you to unleash your inner artist. You have a keen eye for aesthetics, and your attention to detail and practicality make you a perfectionist. This is the perfect time to create something amazing, whether it's a new design, a new look, or a new skill. Don't hold back, Taurus, let your creativity flow this June!

Gemini (May 22 - June 21), it's your season, and the tarot card for Gemini season, The Lovers, is a reminder for you to be unapologetically yourself. Embrace your passions and follow your heart, even if it leads to some interesting situations. Life is meant to be lived, and you are the perfect embodiment of that during Gemini season. Embrace your true self and enjoy this time to the fullest.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23), the tarot card for Gemini season, the Eight of Cups, is encouraging you to let go of anything that no longer serves you. This may mean disconnecting from toxic relationships, activities, or roles that have been holding you back. You deserve to surround yourself with people and things that bring joy and value to your life. Don't be afraid to detach and move on, just like a Gemini would.

Leo (July 24 - August 23), it's time to expand your mind and take on a thirst for knowledge like a Gemini. The tarot card for Gemini season, the Page of Coins, is reminding you that you are always a student, and there is always something new to learn. Whether it's for personal or professional growth, now is the time to explore a new topic or skill that fascinates you. The possibilities are endless, Leo!

Virgo (August 24 - September 23), get ready to be busy and social during Gemini season. The tarot card for this season, the Eight of Wands, is bringing lots of invitations your way. Embrace this time to connect with old friends, make new ones, and get involved in your community. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and have some fun, Virgo!

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