Gamers are sad to see the decline of video games.

"The reader fears the games industry is evolving into something unrecognizable and has lost its appeal."

June 9th 2024.

Gamers are sad to see the decline of video games.
Sony's recent State of Play event has sparked concern among many gamers, including a reader who shared their worries about the direction of the video game industry. They expressed their disappointment and lack of excitement for the future of gaming, particularly with Sony's focus on a game called Concord.

The reader had low expectations for the State of Play event and was not surprised by the lack of major announcements. However, they found the overall presentation to be disheartening and felt that Concord was a generic and uninteresting game that represented the future of gaming as Sony sees it. To the reader, it felt like the end of gaming rather than the future.

The past year has been rough for the gaming industry, with declining console sales, layoffs at major publishers, and a decrease in new game announcements. The lack of communication and leadership from companies has also added to the reader's concerns. Sony, in particular, has ignored the issues and avoided addressing them.

The reader also mentioned the struggles of other companies, such as Microsoft, who have acknowledged the problems but are not entirely trustworthy in their statements. The reader had high hopes for the future of gaming, with advancements in graphics and game design, but now feels that those dreams have been shattered.

They recall imagining open-world games with limitless possibilities, but now it seems that games are limited to live-service models like Concord. The reader laments the halt in progress and the disappearance of the exciting future they had envisioned for gaming.

Some may argue that they can simply revisit older games or their backlog, but the reader believes that this is just avoiding the issue. They don't want to live in the past; they want the promising future that they had been looking forward to. However, with the current state of the industry, it seems that this future is slipping away.

The reader concludes by acknowledging that their views may be seen as dramatic, but they urge others to look at the current release schedules and the lackluster State of Play event and see for themselves. They fear that soon, there will be nothing of value left in the gaming industry.

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