France's right-wing party could have major success in EU elections, posing concerns for migrants, President Macron, and Ukraine.

Marine Le Pen, a French far-right leader, is not running in the upcoming European Parliament election.

June 3rd 2024.

France's right-wing party could have major success in EU elections, posing concerns for migrants, President Macron, and Ukraine.
The upcoming European Parliament election is expected to be a major breakthrough for French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, even though her name is not on the ballot. Polls indicate that her National Rally party will take the lead in France, surpassing President Emmanuel Macron's moderate pro-business party. This is a significant development, as it reflects the growing popularity of anti-immigration and nationalist ideas that Le Pen has been advocating for years.

The election, which will take place from June 6-9 in all 27 EU countries, will not only shape the composition of the European Parliament, but it will also have a significant impact on policy-making in the European Commission, the EU's executive arm. This shift is likely to lean towards the right and far-right, which could have long-lasting consequences for the EU as a whole. It could also potentially improve Le Pen's chances of winning the French presidency in 2027, a goal she has been striving for.

Jordan Bardella, the lead candidate for the National Rally party in the European Parliament, is riding high on promises to restrict the free movement of migrants within the EU's open borders, ease EU pressure on Russia, and relax EU climate regulations. Speaking at a rally in Paris on Sunday, Bardella reiterated the party's commitment to rethinking the European model based on the idea of nations, rather than Macron's vision of Europe as a thing of the past.

Meanwhile, Macron's pro-EU movement is struggling, and its chief candidate Valerie Hayer is having a hard time gaining traction. This is concerning for Macron, as he is currently leading efforts to defend Ukraine and strengthen the EU's own defenses and industry. In an attempt to boost Hayer's campaign, popular Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has joined her at rallies, warning voters of the threat that rising authoritarianism poses to European unity and democracy.

Attal stressed the fragility of Europe and the need to protect it from external threats, such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the rise of big tech and AI. He also emphasized the importance of unity among the 27 EU countries, as Europe cannot solely rely on the US for protection. However, despite the focus on European issues, many voters are still making choices based on national concerns, especially in France, where the economy, agriculture, and security are major concerns.

Interestingly, polls show a resurgence of France's Socialist Party, led by Raphael Glucksmann, who promises to prioritize climate policies and support for European businesses and workers. Macron's rise to power in 2017 had marginalized traditional political parties like the Socialists and mainstream conservatives. However, left-wing voters are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with his tougher approach to security and immigration, and this has led some to return to the Socialist party.

During a rally last week, Glucksmann emphasized the need to complete the environmental transformation and regain freedom from external powers such as Russia and Gulf leaders who can manipulate gas and oil supplies. He expressed confidence in the potential of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power to secure this freedom.

But it is Le Pen, the runner-up in the last two presidential elections, who is expected to benefit the most from the protest vote in France, as her party did in the last EU election in 2019. While she previously advocated for France to leave the EU and abandon the euro, she now aims to reduce its power and reform it from within. In a recent speech to her party members, Le Pen stated that the rise of national parties across Europe is not a threat to the EU, but rather an opportunity to build a stronger alliance of nations capable of facing the challenges of the 21st century.

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