Former lively vacation spot now abandoned and covered in vegetation

A place filled with cherished moments.

August 28th 2024.

Former lively vacation spot now abandoned and covered in vegetation
When you take a look at Pontins in Prestatyn, it's hard not to feel a twinge of sadness. For those who have fond memories of this place, seeing it in its current state can be a bit disheartening. But it wasn't always like this. In fact, at one point, Pontins was the go-to destination for summer vacations for people all across Britain.

Back in the day, Pontins had it all. With apartments on-site, comedians, live music, playgrounds, and even swimming pools, it was the perfect budget-friendly getaway. But now, only one of the Pontins holiday parks remains open to the public. And unfortunately, it has consistently been ranked as the worst value among all holiday parks in the UK. One guest even described it as dull and dingy.

The park in Prestatyn, North Wales, is a far cry from its former glory. It's overgrown and unkempt, a stark contrast to the lively and bustling place it once was. Despite local efforts to have it reopened or sold, the site has remained closed since it was abruptly shut down by Britannia Hotels last November. The weeds and wildflowers have taken over where families used to stroll and children used to play. It's a desolate sight to see.

It's hard to imagine what this place was like during its heyday. The only signs of life now are the trees, grass, and flowers. But back then, children would run wild and laughter would echo throughout the park. It's almost surreal to think about it now.

Amy, a visitor from Bangor, recently went back to the site of her "fondest memories" while staying at a nearby camp. She shared with North Wales Live, "It was a place that held so many happy memories for myself and so many other families. To see it being neglected and left to wither away is just heartbreaking." She hopes that another holiday camp takes over and that Britannia does the right thing. "My family has been coming here since my mother was young, and then I came as a child, and most recently, my own children." Amy believes that the site still has so much potential and could be refurbished to create new memories for families like hers.

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