Flooding can ruin your home in just 24 hours if proper precautions are not taken to prevent it.

Sami's Melbourne home quickly flooded after an unexpected problem arose.

March 30th 2023.

Flooding can ruin your home in just 24 hours if proper precautions are not taken to prevent it.
Sami Abdul's home in Melbourne was flooded in no time after a flexi pipe burst in his home. Five months on, he has successfully replaced the light fittings and flooring in his upstairs bathroom.

This is a very common issue according to peak insurance body, with one in 10 water claims attributed to burst flexi-hoses.

"Burst flexi-hoses are unfortunately common, but they don’t have to be," said Steven Hussey, Head of Home Claims at Suncorp Insurance. He also noted that with proper care and maintenance, a burst pipe can be avoided.

Hussey added that it only takes 24 hours for a burst pipe to flood a home, especially when people are on holidays, such as Easter.

He reminded homeowners that it is their responsibility to keep their home in working order and check for signs of wear and tear.

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