Erin and Daily Mail have agreed to resolve their defamation dispute.

Molan & Daily Mail end proceedings, each paying own costs in Federal Court mediation.

March 30th 2023.

Erin and Daily Mail have agreed to resolve their defamation dispute.
Erin Molan and the Daily Mail have now reached a mutually satisfactory resolution, in which the $150,000 defamation judgment was thrown out. After a mediation session in the Federal Court on Thursday, the two parties agreed to discontinue the proceedings and pay for their own legal costs. The Daily Mail stated that both parties were content with the resolution and that no damages were paid to Molan.

The defamation case began in June 2020, when Molan sued the Daily Mail over an article and two related Tweets. They claimed she was portrayed as racist for saying "hooka looka mooka hooka fooka" on 2GB in May 2020.

In August 2022, the Federal Court ruled that the Daily Mail should pay Molan $150,000 for the article, due to a lack of responsibility and basic professionalism. This verdict was overturned on appeal in March this year, when the Full Court sent the case back to be re-heard by a judge.

Now, with the walk-away settlement between Molan and the Daily Mail, the matter is resolved without the need for a hearing. The positive outcome of the case is a testament to the power of coming to a constructive agreement.

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