Find out what the upcoming week has in store for you with your tarot horoscope reading for September 16 to September 22.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

September 15th 2024.

Find out what the upcoming week has in store for you with your tarot horoscope reading for September 16 to September 22.
It's time to prepare for a fresh start as a new week approaches. The cosmos is aligning to bring a sense of peace and gratitude with a partial eclipse and full moon in Pisces. This harmonious energy allows us to relax and open our minds to thoughts about our higher self, purpose, and spirituality. It's natural to wonder if there is more to life than just the daily grind of work and play. What greater purpose or values do we hold close to our hearts? How can we use our time and energy to make a positive impact in the world? These are questions that may arise and lead us to explore our spiritual beliefs and consider starting a new practice.

For all my fellow Aries out there, the tarot urges us to ask ourselves this week: "Where will you go?" The Chariot is the card that represents our higher self and it's asking us to reflect on our purpose in life. What drives us? What motivates us to take action? What do we hope to achieve in this lifetime? Our purpose can come in all shapes and sizes, from small everyday moments to grandiose plans. The key is to be authentic and true to ourselves. Take some time this week to journal and gain clarity on what truly moves us.

Taurus, your love for enjoyment and pleasure is highlighted this week with the Three of Cups. This card reminds us to embrace the good things in life and not to shy away from indulging in what brings us joy. As the ruler of Venus, the planet of love, money, and pleasure, it's important for us to prioritize our own happiness. If you're feeling like you're not fully enjoying life, it's time to make a change. Say yes to things that excite you and don't be afraid to say no to things that don't bring you joy.

Gemini, the King of Wands is guiding us towards an adventure. As quick thinkers, we can sometimes get stuck in auto-pilot mode and need a jolt to bring us back to life. Instead of waiting for a crisis to kickstart us, let's plan something exciting and get ourselves pumped up. It's time to get out of our heads and into the world!

The Six of Wands is calling out to us, Cancer. This card represents our hidden talents and urges us to not let them go to waste. Whether it's a skill or talent that we have yet to fully explore, it's time to start using it. Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing your passions. This is what you're meant to do in life, so start experimenting and playing with your talent.

Leo, you're entering a transition phase as the Six of Swords appears. This is a time for personal growth and questioning our beliefs and spirituality. It's natural to evolve and reassess what we believe in and how we serve those beliefs. Take time to reflect and discuss your thoughts with others. This is an important shift in your journey.

The Four of Wands is guiding us, Virgo, towards the next stage in our lives. You may be feeling a strong desire for advancement and recognition for your expertise and skills. It's time to promote yourself and take a bold leap towards the next level. Trust in your abilities and know that you are ready to reach for success.

As we continue to navigate through life's journey, let's remember to listen to our higher selves and trust in the guidance of the tarot. Each week brings new opportunities for growth and understanding, so let's embrace them and make the most of our time here on Earth.
As we approach a new week, the cosmos brings a unique energy with a partial eclipse and Full Moon in Pisces. This celestial event invites us to embrace feelings of peace and gratitude. In this state of harmony and relaxation, our curiosity about our higher self, purpose, and spirituality is awakened. It's natural to question if there is more to life than just work and play. What values and beliefs are important to us? How can we use our time and energy to make a positive impact in our corner of the world? These are the deeper thoughts and questions that may arise within us this week.

If you're looking for guidance in exploring your higher self, the tarot cards can offer valuable insight. Let's see what the cards have to say for each zodiac sign this week.

Aries, the Chariot card appears, symbolizing your search for purpose in life. What truly motivates and inspires you? What do you wish to achieve in this lifetime? Take some time to journal and reflect on these questions. Clarity is on its way.

Taurus, the Three of Cups appears, reminding you to enjoy life. As a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure and indulgence, it's important to find joy and pleasure in your daily life. Don't be afraid to make changes that will bring more enjoyment into your life.

Gemini, the King of Wands appears, indicating your need for adventure. With your quick and active mind, it's important to plan an exciting adventure to break out of your auto-pilot mode. This will ignite your passion and drive.

Cancer, the Six of Wands appears, showing that you have a hidden talent or skill that could bring you success and fulfillment. Don't ignore this talent, as it is what you're meant to do in this lifetime. Find ways to practice and explore this talent.

Leo, the Six of Swords appears, signifying a time of transition and change in your beliefs and spiritual ideas. This shift is a natural part of your evolution. Embrace this phase and explore new ideas and perspectives.

Virgo, the Four of Wands appears, indicating a desire for advancement and reaching the next level in your life. You know you have more to offer, so don't be afraid to promote yourself and take bold steps towards your goals.

As we embark on this new week, let's open ourselves up to the possibilities and guidance from the cosmos and the tarot. Embrace your higher self, purpose, and spirituality, and let's make this a week of growth and self-discovery.

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