I found out about this feature here at AVC a few weeks ago so it is fitting that I’m telling you all how much I like it. I believe it is only available on Android right now. I could be wrong about that, but I think that is the case.
This morning I had this notification on my phone:
When I clicked on that notification, I got this:
As I swiped through these cards, I got these in sequence:
These highlights are personalized for me based on who I’m following and likely a bunch of other things. So not all of them will matter to you. But I can tell you that this is a damn good personalized set of highlights for me.
If you want this on your Android, go to your mobile notification settings:
And select the Highlights checkbox:
When you follow almost 1,000 people on Twitter, you need something like this to make sure you don’t miss the good stuff. I really like it.