Fans of Counter-Strike 2 discover new maps with a weed shop and hidden lever.

Counter-Strike 2 now has five new maps with secrets, including a time-travel switch for players to discover.

June 27th 2024.

Fans of Counter-Strike 2 discover new maps with a weed shop and hidden lever.
Surprisingly, there was no line of eager fans outside the 420 shop in Mills. It was a bit odd considering the recent release of five new maps in Counter-Strike 2 that were causing quite a stir among the community. These maps were filled with hidden secrets and surprises, including a mysterious switch that had the power to transport players back in time.

The game's developer, Valve, had not done anything to commemorate Counter-Strike's 25th birthday, much to the disappointment of fans. Many were hoping for a big update, perhaps even a new operation. However, a week later, Valve surprised everyone by releasing five new community-made maps. These were the first of their kind to be added to the game since its transformation from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to Counter-Strike 2 last year.

It didn't take long for fans to start exploring these new maps and uncovering their hidden secrets. The community was buzzing with excitement as they discovered unexpected features and hints of even more surprises to come. The new maps, Thera, Mills, Memento, Assembly, and Pool Day, were all created by fellow players.

One fan stumbled upon a secret switch in Pool Day, a remake of an old map from Counter-Strike 1.6. This switch, hidden inside one of the lockers, had the power to teleport players back to the original version of the map. It was a fun throwback without disrupting the current game in progress.

Another fan found a clever spot to plant the bomb in Memento, just outside the designated site. By throwing a smoke grenade at the gate, players could remain hidden from enemies and plant the bomb with ease. And on Thera, someone discovered what they believed to be the perfect spot to throw a flash grenade, causing chaos for the opposing team.

But the most surprising discovery was perhaps the 420 shop in Mills. This shop, called '420 Shop Molendijk', was based on a real place in the Netherlands where cannabis is legally sold and bought. It added a fun and unexpected element to the game.

These new maps were only available in certain game modes, as stated in the patch notes. Thera and Mills were added to Competitive, Casual, and Deathmatch, while Memento and Assembly were included in Wingman mode. Pool Day was reserved for Arms Race.

In addition to the new maps, the update also made it easier for players to earn a skill group in Competitive mode. Instead of having to win 10 matches, they now only needed to win two. This was a welcome change for many players struggling to climb the ranks.

Although fans were initially disappointed by the lack of a new operation, they were still excited about the update and the new maps to explore. It was a great way to spice up the game and break away from the same old maps.

For those who couldn't go on vacation this summer, they could now visit the beautiful Santorini, Greece in Counter-Strike 2. And for even more exclusive gaming content, players could sign up for the newsletter, follow the developers on Twitter, and leave a comment or email with any questions or feedback.

Overall, the update may not have been what fans were hoping for, but it was still a welcome addition to the game. With the release of these new maps, Counter-Strike 2 continued to entertain and surprise its dedicated community.

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