A court ruling has declared that Vladimir Putin is a wanted man due to war crimes, resulting in a big day for the victims affected.

Authorities have issued global orders for the arrest of Vladimir Putin and Russia's head of children's rights.

March 17th 2023.

A court ruling has declared that Vladimir Putin is a wanted man due to war crimes, resulting in a big day for the victims affected.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of war crimes in Ukraine. The warrant is in relation to the 'unlawful deportation' of children from occupied areas of Ukraine into Russia, with the Court believing that the two suspects involved bear 'criminal responsibility' for the alleged crimes. Human Rights Watch has been working to document war crimes, with reports of executions, torture, rape, and looting being committed by Moscow's troops. Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director, expressed that the arrest warrants are a 'big day' for the victims of the crimes and sends a warning that giving orders to commit or tolerating serious crimes against civilians may lead to a prison cell in The Hague.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of Russian president Vladimir Putin, accusing him of war crimes in Ukraine. The warrant relates to the 'unlawful deportation' of children from occupied areas of Ukraine into his country, and HRW states there are grounds to believe the two suspects bear 'criminal responsibility' for the alleged crimes. Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director, commented on the warrant, saying it is a 'big day' for the victims and sends a clear message that those who commit or tolerate serious crimes against civilians may face justice in The Hague. HRW has previously spoken of 'unspeakable stories' of executions, torture, rape and looting by Moscow's troops.

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