Fan-favorite characters from Coronation Street are facing a potential demon problem as a heated rivalry escalates.

Relationship in trouble, needs major effort to fix.

June 10th 2024.

Fan-favorite characters from Coronation Street are facing a potential demon problem as a heated rivalry escalates.
The mediation between Coronation Street siblings George and Glenda Shuttleworth did not go as planned. The two are currently in a heated battle over their inheritance, and it seems that their relationship may be beyond repair.

The discovery of their father Archie's will, which stated that half of the family business would go to Glenda, left George in shock. He has been running Shuttleworth's for years and was horrified by the idea of giving his financially irresponsible sister any control. Despite his plan to keep the will a secret, Glenda quickly found out and was determined to claim what was rightfully hers.

Eager to purchase Little Big Shotz from Estelle, Glenda wanted her share of the inheritance, but George refused to hand it over. This led Glenda to take legal action and sue her brother for what she believed she was owed, including half of the family home.

In an attempt to settle things outside of court, George and Glenda agreed to sit down for a discussion, with Debbie Webster acting as their mediator. However, their hopes for a peaceful resolution were quickly shattered. As soon as they sat down, it became clear that their childhood grievances were going to resurface.

George brought up how Glenda had stolen all the attention at his 14th birthday party, while Glenda retaliated by revealing how he had once locked her in a coal shed to keep her away from a girl he brought home. The conversation only went downhill from there.

After a long and heated argument, Debbie had enough and suggested they needed an exorcist instead of a mediator to sort out their issues. She promptly excused herself from the table, leaving George and Glenda at a stalemate.

Feeling defeated, Glenda insisted on calling her lawyer, but George called her bluff, pointing out that the lawyer would only confirm what they already knew - that the version of the will was not legally binding.

As George also left the table, Glenda was left feeling like she had failed. However, Rita Tanner reminded her that this was only round one and encouraged her not to give up until she gets what is rightfully hers.

With no resolution in sight, the question remains - will Glenda be able to see this through and claim her rightful share of the inheritance? Only time will tell.

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