Family of deceased 'spy in the bag' receives significant news regarding his passing.

Gareth Williams, a cryptologist, was discovered deceased in a sealed bag 14 years ago.

February 5th 2024.

Family of deceased 'spy in the bag' receives significant news regarding his passing.
After a thorough forensic review, the tragic death of Gareth Williams, also known as the 'spy in the bag', remains shrouded in mystery as no new DNA evidence was found. The family of the MI6 cryptologist, who was discovered deceased inside a holdall in his London flat in August 2010, has been informed by Scotland Yard that the case has reached a dead end.

Despite an independent re-examination lasting almost three years, no new leads or clues were uncovered. This news comes as a disappointment to many, especially considering the suspicious circumstances surrounding Williams' death. According to the coroner who presided over the inquest two years after his passing, his death was deemed 'unnatural and likely to have been criminally mediated'.

However, the Metropolitan Police reached a different conclusion the following year, stating that the 31-year-old's death was most likely an accident. In February 2021, they announced their plan to review all the information gathered from the scene and later confirmed that a forensic re-examination was underway.

Detective Chief Inspector Neil John, the lead investigator, expressed that since 2010, the Met has left no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice for Gareth. Despite this, the recent independent review, which concluded in November 2023, did not yield any new DNA evidence or provide any further leads. The family of the deceased has been notified of the outcome, and the authorities extend their condolences to them during this difficult time.

It should be noted that the investigation is not yet closed, and detectives are open to reviewing any additional information or evidence that may come to light. The Metropolitan Police have reassured the public that they have been in constant communication with Williams' family throughout this re-examination process.

The brilliant mathematician, originally from Anglesey, was on secondment from GCHQ to MI6 at the time of his untimely death. His lifeless body was discovered naked and locked inside a red holdall in his bathtub in Pimlico. Interestingly, there were no fingerprints found on the North Face bag, which had been securely locked from the outside.

In a narrative verdict, the coroner Fiona Wilcox stated that the most likely scenario was that Williams had been unlawfully killed. A CCTV image of him at Holland Park Tube station on August 14, 2010, has been circulating, and detectives are urging anyone with any information to come forward.

As the investigation continues, the public remains hopeful that the truth behind Williams' death will one day come to light. Until then, his family and loved ones must find solace in the memories they hold dear of their cherished Gareth.

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