Experts say couples with a certain age difference are more likely to have a lasting relationship.

What's the maximum age?

January 21st 2024.

Experts say couples with a certain age difference are more likely to have a lasting relationship.
Falling in love is a powerful and uncontrollable force that can't be tamed. It's not something we can choose or control, no matter how hard we try.

Unfortunately, society often judges relationships with a significant age gap, especially when those involved are in the public eye. It's as if there's a higher level of scrutiny for these couples, as if they're doing something wrong by loving someone who happens to be either older or younger than them. But experts say that as long as everything is legal, there is no "perfect" number of years that should separate two people in a relationship.

Sedef Salim, a counsellor, explains that societal and cultural biases can influence our views on age-gap relationships, but ultimately it's up to the individuals involved. If there is love, trust, acceptance, and a shared responsibility for any potential challenges that may arise, then the "ideal" age gap may be different for each unique couple.

But what about an upper limit for the age gap? Psychotherapist and author Toby Ingham believes it would be difficult to give an exact number. In the past, there was a common rule of thumb that stated the younger partner should be half the age of the older partner plus seven. However, this idea may now be outdated, as society focuses more on inclusivity and normalizing differences.

Ingham also acknowledges that in his professional experience, he has seen intergenerational relationships struggle. He notes that age gaps that resemble parental age differences or different generations can create complications and problems over time, especially when there are children from previous marriages involved.

So how can couples in age-gap relationships make it work? Sedef suggests considering key factors such as having children together, the impact of age on fertility and health, and the potential challenges that may arise as the couple grows older. These may be difficult conversations to have, but they are essential to ensure the success of the relationship.

But despite the potential challenges, a relationship with a significant age gap can also bring something unique and special to the table. Sedef believes that the differences between two people can add a fresh perspective and enrich their lives in ways they never thought possible.

So if you find yourself in an age-gap relationship, don't let the numbers and societal expectations get in the way of your happiness. Love knows no boundaries, and it's up to you and your partner to create a fulfilling and loving life together.

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