Experts advise against breast sucking during pregnancy due to potential contractions and discomfort.

Playing with breasts and nipples may not always be a good choice.

August 9th 2024.

Experts advise against breast sucking during pregnancy due to potential contractions and discomfort.
Have you ever wondered why your partner should avoid sucking your breasts when they're pregnant? Well, it turns out that while a little bit of breast and nipple stimulation during foreplay can be a wonderful thing, it's not recommended for pregnant women. This may come as a surprise, but there's actually a good reason behind it.

You see, stimulating the breasts can release a hormone called oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. While this hormone is great for bonding and intimacy, it can also cause uterine contractions. This can be risky for pregnant women, as it may lead to premature labor and potential complications for the baby.

Dr. Michael Krychman, a renowned obstetrical expert, explains that many professionals advise against nipple and breast stimulation during pregnancy. In fact, they often recommend it as a method to induce or enhance uterine contractions during delivery. Emily Butterworth, a lead midwife and lactation consultant, also cautions against starting contractions too early in pregnancy, as it can increase the risk of premature birth.

Aside from the potential risks, having your breasts sucked can be a highly arousing experience. However, there's another unforeseen effect that may occur. According to Dr. Krychman, breast stimulation during pregnancy can also increase prolactin levels. This is because it mimics the action of a baby suckling during breastfeeding. In fact, midwife Emily explains that the same hormones are released during both activities.

Interestingly, if you're a woman struggling to produce milk, having your partner suck on your breasts or even a baby can be a solution. Emily recommends doing this often, as it works on a supply and demand basis. In other words, the more the breasts are stimulated, the more milk they will produce. However, she advises against stimulating the breasts before 36 weeks of pregnancy.

But once you reach the 36-week mark, midwives actually encourage women to start collecting colostrum, the first milk produced during pregnancy. This not only helps mothers feel more confident in handling their breasts and collecting milk, but it also prepares the breasts for breastfeeding after the baby is born.

So, if you're at this stage in your pregnancy journey, letting your partner stimulate your breasts may not be such a bad idea after all. In fact, according to Dr. Danae Maragouthakis, a doctor at a sexual health start-up, there are significant benefits to stimulating your partner's breasts at the right time. It can induce feelings of relaxation and wellbeing, and even help with milk supply after childbirth.

But that's not all – stimulating your partner's breasts can also be a source of great sexual pleasure. Dr. Maragouthakis explains that the breasts and nipples are erogenous zones that can be stimulated in various ways, such as sucking, kissing, licking, stroking, and more. And don't forget about other erogenous zones, like the perineum, bellybutton, neck, back, ears, and thighs. These can all enhance your sexual experience and lead to more intense orgasms.

Not only is sucking on your partner's breasts arousing, but it's also beneficial for your physical health. It increases blood flow to the breasts, promoting healthy tissue. So, next time you're engaging in foreplay, don't forget to give some attention to the breasts and other erogenous zones. It may just make your experience even more pleasurable.

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