A father with seven children and financial struggles discovers a diamond worth £78,000 while earning only £3 a day.

We'll put in effort to locate a couple more.

July 27th 2024.

A father with seven children and financial struggles discovers a diamond worth £78,000 while earning only £3 a day.
Raju Gond's life had been filled with financial struggles, burdened by thousands of pounds of debt. But in a miraculous turn of events, a small gem found during a routine morning of gold digging was about to change everything.

Despite being blinded by the glimmer of the gem, Raju Gond, a 40-year-old laborer, immediately recognized the valuable diamond in his sieve. Along with his brother, he had been tirelessly working on a government-owned plot of land in Madhya Pradesh, India. But this discovery was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

With a pounding heart, Raju described the moment he realized it was a diamond. "As I kept wiping away the dirt, it shone so brightly that I knew it was a diamond," he said. The gem was estimated to be worth about 8 million rupees, a life-changing amount for a man who earns just £3 a day doing odd jobs.

In their excitement, the brothers quickly headed home on their bike to grab their mother and head to the local diamond office. The gem was evaluated to be a whopping 19.22 carats, with experts estimating its value to be around £78,000. For a rural laborer like Raju, this was an unimaginable fortune.

In India, thousands of people are trapped in debt, often due to loans for healthcare, education, and daily expenses. Raju's story is not uncommon, with a 2018 report estimating that 8 million people were unpaid workers or in debt bondage. But for Raju, this diamond was a ray of hope in an otherwise dark financial situation.

As he waits for the government to auction his precious find, Raju plans to use the money to pay off his debt and improve the lives of his family. He dreams of investing in education for his children, building houses, and buying land and a tractor. And despite the immense luck he has already received, Raju and his brother are still out in the mines, working hard to find even more diamonds.

Their determination and hard work serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope for a brighter future. And for Raju Gond, his tiny gem has truly changed his life for the better.

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