Ex-British ref killed with machete in Kenya

People were concerned when John didn't show up for his usual Saturday morning golf game.

October 11th 2024.

Ex-British ref killed with machete in Kenya
John Middleton was known as a friendly and dedicated match official in Norfolk FA. It was a shock to hear the news that he had been brutally killed in his home in Kenya. He was a former British football referee who had moved to Kenya in 2014. Reports say that he was attacked with a machete and found with multiple stab wounds in his residence in the city of Mombasa.

John had been looking forward to playing golf on Saturday morning, but when he didn't show up, his club captain Dinesh Sasan became concerned. It was later discovered that he had been murdered in his home. The machete used in the attack was left at the scene, but nothing seemed to be stolen from the property. According to the deputy county commissioner, there was evidence of a slight struggle, but the scene wasn't very disturbed.

The shocking discovery of John's body was made by his housekeeper, who had come to check on him when he didn't answer the door. It was reported that John had told his friends about someone trying to poison his dogs just days before his death. Mr. Sasan, who had known John since 2015, described him as a polite and principled man who was always willing to help others. He was deeply saddened by John's death, saying that it was beyond belief.

Mr. Sasan also mentioned that the area where John lived was not very safe. Unfortunately, this was not the first tragedy to occur there. In 2018, John's wife Regina was killed during a break-in. John had moved to Kenya to be with her and their stepson Max. The news of John's death shocked and saddened many, and tributes began to pour in on social media. His stepson Kelvin expressed his emotions, saying that words couldn't explain how he felt. He also shared that John had been a great father to him since he was three years old.

Norfolk FA, where John had previously refereed, also paid tribute to him, stating that he was a committed and well-liked official. They extended their condolences to John's family and friends during this difficult time. The British High Commission is now involved in the case, and a post-mortem examination has been scheduled. The loss of such a well-respected member of the community has left many in shock and disbelief. John will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

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