Eve betrays Nish, causing Suki to confess her feelings for him.

Eve ready to do whatever it takes to make relationship w/ Suki work.

April 11th 2023.

Eve betrays Nish, causing Suki to confess her feelings for him.
Eve Unwin is ready to go the extra mile for her beloved Suki Panesar by turning informant on her dangerous husband, Nish. Despite the risks involved, she has fallen deeply in love with Suki and is determined to find out if their relationship is real. To ensure their future together, Eve has approached Detective Jack Branning with a proposal to get rid of Nish. She is willing to provide information that will lead to Nish's downfall, and hopefully clear the path to a bright future for Suki and Eve.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Will Jack accept her offer and help them create a safe and happy life?

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