Evan's emergency hospitalization becomes Dawn's worst fear when she discovers a loved one is responsible in Emmerdale.

She feared this exact outcome.

July 3rd 2024.

Evan's emergency hospitalization becomes Dawn's worst fear when she discovers a loved one is responsible in Emmerdale.
Dawn had been struggling with trusting her partner, Billy. She couldn't shake off the constant fear of her son, Evan, getting sick due to his weakened immune system. Despite attempts from those around her to reassure her, her worries proved to be valid as Evan's health was once again at risk. Initially, when Evan returned home, Dawn was hesitant to let anyone near him, especially children. It was evident that she was suffering from health anxiety and was convinced that even the slightest bug could be fatal for her son. As a result, she isolated herself and the baby, much to the confusion of her loved ones who believed it was unnecessary.

Despite the reassurances, Dawn couldn't help but wonder if she was right to be so cautious all along. Her fears were only heightened when Billy, in an attempt to keep Dawn calm and on his side, made a mistake that caused Evan to spit up his medication while under his watch. This incident shattered Dawn's faith in Billy's ability to care for their sick child, leaving her feeling low and excluded. In a moment of vulnerability, Billy accepted an invitation from Nate Robinson to have drinks, not realizing the consequences of his actions.

This not only meant that Billy would end up getting drunk, which was a big no-no in Dawn's world of caution, but it also broke their carefully constructed bubble of protection for Evan. Meanwhile, Kim Tate tried to cover for Billy's actions, but Dawn was too preoccupied with Evan's worsening condition. He had developed a worrying cough, which could be a sign of another infection. Fearing the worst, Dawn rushed Evan to the hospital and realized that all her worst fears were now becoming a reality. As she grappled with the terrifying thought of losing her son, she couldn't help but wonder if this was all Billy's fault.

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