Eric's father is feeling excluded from the family's enjoyable activities.

Feeling neglected by my family.

October 19th 2024.

Eric's father is feeling excluded from the family's enjoyable activities.
Hey Eric, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and talk to you about something that's been weighing on my mind. Lately, I've been feeling a bit neglected by my family. You see, I'm an introvert while my wife is an extrovert. When our kids were younger, I was very involved and hands-on, despite my wife and I both working full-time jobs. We split childcare responsibilities 50/50 and it worked out well for us.

However, since I retired, I feel like things have shifted. My wife has been reaching out to our adult children more often, sending them little gifts and tokens of affection. I don't mind her doing this, but I couldn't help but wonder if these gestures were from both of us or just her. When I asked her about it, she didn't give me a straight answer. Now, I'm worried that I might have to start competing with my wife in a "trinket race". What do you think, should I?

But that's not the only issue I'm facing. I also feel like I'm being sidelined in other aspects. When I respond to my kids' messages on WhatsApp, only one of them replies while the others don't. However, when their mother posts something, they all seem to be more responsive. Should I bring this up with them? It seems like my wife is the star of the show while I'm just sweeping the stage. Everything seems fine when we're together in person, but the thought of this keeps me up at night. Am I overthinking things?

Dear Dad, I don't think you're overthinking things. It's natural to feel envious when you see your family members having a close relationship that you don't feel a part of. Being an introvert, you and your wife may naturally have different ways of connecting with your children. It sounds like you're longing for a deeper relationship with them but you're not sure how to go about it.

I would suggest taking some time to think about what kind of relationship you want with your kids. Do you want to be more involved in their daily conversations or do you simply want to have more meaningful conversations with them? Do you really want to participate in the "trinket economy" or do you just want to find a better way to let your kids know that you're thinking about them? Once you have a clear idea of what you want, you can start working towards it. Maybe you can schedule regular one-on-one check-ins with each of your kids or make an effort to find a special gift for each of them. It might take some time to see the results, but don't give up. And don't be afraid to ask your wife for advice, she might have some insights that can help bridge the gap.

Now, let's talk about that unflattering photo. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's natural to feel embarrassed and self-conscious, especially when it's a photo shared with others. But I want you to know that it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. Your friend probably didn't mean to take a bad photo, and she likely didn't see it the same way you do. We all have unflattering photos, even celebrities. It's not worth losing a friendship over.

I understand that it's upsetting, but please don't isolate yourself and let negative thoughts consume you. Give your friend another chance and try not to let this one photo define your relationship. None of us are defined by one photo, and we all have our moments. Don't let it steal your joy.

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