Employees now work only four days per week, and the author has no intention of returning to a five-day week.

We've seen exceptional results and significantly improved employee satisfaction.

August 30th 2024.

Employees now work only four days per week, and the author has no intention of returning to a five-day week.
The response from my staff was absolutely overwhelming, and it was overwhelmingly positive. It's almost hard to believe, but I can honestly say that my staff is the most productive they've ever been. Now, I know what you're probably thinking - how did I manage to make them work more? Well, let me tell you.

We have a team of 1,300 people spread across 17 offices globally, and I am proud to say that they are the happiest they have ever been at work. And do you know why? It's because we have implemented a four-day work week, without any decrease in pay. That's right, our employees get to enjoy a three-day weekend every week, and yet, they are still able to accomplish the same amount of work as before - if not more.

That's why I strongly believe that companies should give the four-day work week a chance. As they say, the proof is in the pudding, and our results speak for themselves. I run a digital marketing platform, where we help brands sell their products and services online through performance-based digital advertising. In 2021 alone, we were able to drive a whopping £12 billion worth of sales for our clients. So, you can imagine that our team needs to be on top of their game.

However, when the pandemic hit in 2020, everything changed. Suddenly, everyone was working remotely, and we saw the immense pressure that was being placed on our employees, especially those who had children and had to juggle homeschooling. With no clear boundaries between work and home life, many of our employees found themselves starting earlier and finishing later. Something had to change.

That's when we introduced the concept of "Family Fridays." Essentially, we implemented a four and a half day work week, where we would shut down business on Friday afternoons and give our employees time to spend with their families and deal with the challenges of the pandemic. And even for those who didn't have families, it was a chance for them to take a break and catch up with what was going on in the world.

The response from our staff was overwhelmingly positive, and after monitoring their performance for three months, we saw that there was absolutely no negative impact from this initiative. We didn't receive any complaints about bad service, and our company was thriving. Our employees were happier, and that's all that mattered. So, we decided to take it a step further and test it out for an entire year.

In January 2021, we began a six-month trial of the four-day work week, with pay reflecting five days of work. We made it clear to our team that it was up to them to make it work if they wanted it to become a permanent feature. Of course, we still needed to maintain a five-day service for our clients who didn't operate on a four-day week. But our team managed to find a way to make it work. Some took Fridays off, some took Wednesdays, and some took Mondays, and it rotated. And the best part? Not only were they accomplishing the same amount of work as before, but they were also achieving even more.

Long story short, we extended the trial for another year, and it has been a huge success. Our company has achieved record performances in terms of output, and our employees' happiness has seen a massive uptick. We also noticed that our employees were taking fewer sick days, and in cases where we could measure it, we saw either the same or even greater levels of productivity as a result of the four-day work week. It may not seem logical, but when you give people back their time and trust them to manage it, they tend to work smarter and more efficiently.

And it's not just about productivity. Our most recent staff surveys showed that 86% of our employees feel more productive, 70% feel less stressed, and 70% feel that the quality of their work has improved. In terms of overall well-being, 92% of our employees said that the four-day work week has helped improve their mental health, 94% feel that their work-life balance has improved, and 87% believe that it has even helped them improve their physical health.

We also noticed that our employees were using their extra day off to do amazing things with their lives. Some were furthering their education through masters' programs, some were using it for exercise, and others were spending time with their families. Whatever they chose to do, it was making them happier and ultimately helping them work better.

It has been a phenomenal journey, and it's safe to say that our experiment has been a resounding success. In fact, 74% of our employees have said that they would now struggle to go back to a traditional five-day work week. And why should they? As employers, we need to show our staff that we care about their well-being. That's why we had certain prerequisites in place before implementing the four-day work week. We based our relationship with our employees on trust, and that has made all the difference.

Unfortunately, many businesses don't operate this way. They have a traditional mentality of mistrust, where they believe that employees are always trying to slack off, and therefore, they feel the need to constantly monitor them. If this is the culture in your company, then the four-day work week may not work for you. But for those of us who do operate with trust and transparency, this concept has been a game-changer. It has given our employees the freedom and balance they need in their lives, while still maintaining excellent performance at work.

Most people want to do a good job, and we need to stop setting rules based on the few who don't. When given the opportunity, the majority of our employees will find ways to work better and smarter. And the best part? Our employee retention has never been better. Our clients have also noticed the positive changes in our employees, with a 25% increase in their satisfaction rate with us. They have been incredibly supportive, and I have even had clients bring their bosses to meetings to try and convince them to consider the four-day work week for their own companies.

It's time to acknowledge that life has changed since the five-day work week was first introduced in the 19th century. And as times change, so should we. So, why not give the four-day work week a chance? Trust me, the benefits far outweigh any doubts or fears. And as for me, I couldn't be prouder of my team and the amazing work they continue to do, even with a three-day weekend every week.

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