Emergency distress message as whale overturns boat, throwing passengers into sea.

A humpback whale capsized a fishing boat with two people on board off the coast of New Hampshire.

July 24th 2024.

Emergency distress message as whale overturns boat, throwing passengers into sea.
A peaceful day of fishing turned into a chaotic and terrifying experience for two fishermen when a juvenile humpback whale unexpectedly breached and collided with their boat. The massive creature emerged from the waters off the coast of New Hampshire, its head crashing onto one end of the boat and flipping it over. In a matter of seconds, the boat was upside down and the two men were thrown into the water.

The moment was captured on video by a nearby onlooker, whose shocked voice could be heard exclaiming, "Oh my god!" as the events unfolded. The incident took place on a Tuesday morning near Odiorne Point State Park, and other boaters in the area were quick to call for help. Frantic radio calls to the US Coast Guard described the chaotic scene, with pleas for assistance and updates on the situation.

Thankfully, both fishermen were able to escape the situation without any injuries. However, it was noted that they were not wearing life jackets at the time. The two men later recounted their experience, explaining that they had been trying to avoid the whale as they spotted it near a large school of fish. However, before they could react, the whale's head had already collided with their boat, sending it into a tailspin.

Meanwhile, a pair of brothers from Maine were also in the area and witnessed the entire incident. One of the brothers, Colin, recorded the collision on his phone, capturing the terrifying moment when the boat was flipped over by the whale. As they watched the chaos unfold, the brothers were relieved to see that the whale did not appear to be injured.

In the end, the capsized boat was able to be salvaged and the whale swam away unharmed. This incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the ocean and the importance of staying vigilant while out on the water. It also brings to mind a similar event that occurred over a year ago, when a mako shark jumped onto a fishing boat off the coast of Maine. Both incidents serve as a reminder of the power and majesty of the marine world.

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