Elon Musk criticized airlines' diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, receiving backlash from civil rights activists.

Airlines criticized for prioritizing DEI over hiring qualified pilots, according to source.

January 13th 2024.

Elon Musk criticized airlines' diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, receiving backlash from civil rights activists.
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and self-proclaimed "Chief Troll Officer" on Twitter, recently stirred up controversy with his tweets about diversity, equity, and inclusion. According to NBC News, his comments have sparked backlash from civil rights groups who are not pleased with his stance. It all started when Musk criticized the efforts of United Airlines and Boeing to diversify their workforce, claiming that their efforts would make air travel less safe. He even went as far as to say that people's lives could be at risk because of these initiatives.

Musk also took aim at the airline industry, accusing them of prioritizing DEI requirements over finding qualified pilots. In a tweet, he stated, "The airline industry can't find enough qualified pilots even without insane DEI requirements!" This caught the attention of Marc Morial, the president and CEO of the National Urban League, who called Musk's statements "abhorrent and pathetic." Morial pointed out that Tesla itself is facing multiple lawsuits for discrimination against Black employees, with allegations of racial slurs and nooses found on work grounds. He stated that the only thing Musk should be saying about diversity in the workplace is an apology.

The incident that sparked Musk's comments was an emergency landing of an Alaska Airlines plane on January 5th, when a panel blew off at 16,000 feet in the air. In response, Musk tweeted, "It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DIE," mistakenly using the acronym for DEI. The president of the NAACP, Derrick Johnson, criticized Musk's words, stating that they could promote hate speech and white supremacist conspiracy theories. He reminded Musk that diversity, equity, and inclusion are not the same as hate speech and that they promote a more inclusive society.

Another person who joined in on the conversation was Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. The two have been going back and forth on social media, and Cuban couldn't resist chiming in on Musk's latest remarks. When Musk attacked the DEI efforts of airlines, Cuban pointed out that the efforts apply to training schools, not the airlines themselves. He even took the time to explain the process and how it works. In response, Musk called Cuban a racist.

In conclusion, Musk's comments have caused quite a stir and have been met with criticism from various individuals and organizations. It is clear that his views on diversity, equity, and inclusion are not shared by everyone, and his remarks have sparked important conversations about these issues. It remains to be seen if Musk will address the backlash or continue to stand by his controversial statements.

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