Ella's dark history comes to light in Emmerdale and has major repercussions for the village.

An uninvited guest causes chaos.

August 19th 2024.

Ella's dark history comes to light in Emmerdale and has major repercussions for the village.
Ella Forster can't escape her past, no matter how much she tries. But lately, things have been looking up for her in the village. People have finally accepted her and she's even made amends with her ex, Liam. It seems like she can finally start to live a normal life. Of course, that's when Emmerdale decides to shake things up.

With Liam by her side and a new job at the vets, Ella feels like she's finally settling into her new life. Her friends Mandy and Manpreet have her back, and she's even celebrating her 30th birthday. Mandy, being the caring friend she is, plans a surprise beauty treatment for Ella, complete with before and after photos. Despite her initial hesitation, Ella agrees to the treatment and starts to let herself enjoy it.

But things quickly take a turn for the worse when Mandy posts the photos on social media without Ella's consent. Ella is furious, not only because she doesn't like the photos, but also because she doesn't want a digital footprint. In a fit of anger, she smashes her birthday cake and storms off to the footbridge, where she's witnessed by Liam. Concerned for her well-being, Liam approaches and offers to take her to her surprise party.

Feeling grateful, Ella agrees to let Liam accompany her. As they arrive at the party, she's touched by the support of her friends. And her happiness only grows when Liam presents her with a small star pendant. But just as things seem to be going well, an unexpected guest arrives – Gary, the nephew of the woman whose daughter Ella accidentally killed. He hands her a reminder of the tragedy, causing Ella to flee in horror.

In her rush to get away, Ella suffers a nasty fall and is found by a kind stranger named Wendy. But Gary's appearance triggers something in Ella, causing her to lose control and violently attack Wendy. Actress Paula Lane, who plays Ella, explains that this is the most unhinged we've ever seen her character. But she hints that there may be more to it than meets the eye – perhaps Ella is putting on a front or has a deeper reason for her actions.

In a matter of moments, Ella destroys everything she's worked so hard to build and hurts yet another person in the process. Is she finally unleashing the evil that she's been suppressing all this time? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure, Ella's past will always come back to haunt her.

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