Do you have a 1973 calendar from The Wicker Man featuring Scotland?

Reader seeks 1973 Scottish Field calendar featured in cult classic The Wicker Man to celebrate 50th anniversary.

April 12th 2023.

Do you have a 1973 calendar from The Wicker Man featuring Scotland?
We are delighted to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Wicker Man, a classic British horror film. On this special occasion, we are looking for a special item - the 1973 Scottish Field calendar which appeared in the movie.

We would love to include this unique film prop in an exhibition at The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London. This venue is London’s longest-running independent arts venue and home of an amazing collection of costumes and clothes used by the movie-making industry.

If you have a copy of the 1973 Scottish Field calendar, we would be grateful if you could loan or sell it to us. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Roger K Burton at The Horse Hospital on 0207 833 3644.

We hope that you can be a part of this momentous celebration, and thank you in advance for your contribution! Make sure to read more about The Wicker Man and other culture topics on Scottish Field's culture pages and don't forget to get the May issue of Scottish Field magazine.

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