Discussion about the talents of game creator Hideo Kojima, the mysterious removal of Spec Ops: The Line from digital stores, and updates on Project 007.

The letters page is concerned about the lack of Sony games in State of Play, while another reader is excited for more Burnout.

February 2nd 2024.

Discussion about the talents of game creator Hideo Kojima, the mysterious removal of Spec Ops: The Line from digital stores, and updates on Project 007.
Have you ever wondered about the talent of video game designer Hideo Kojima? It seems that many people have, including readers who have written in to share their thoughts. One reader expressed concern over the lack of first-party Sony games in their recent State of Play event, while another reader is eagerly anticipating the release of the new Burnout game.

It's clear that Sony intended for Kojima to fill the gap in their line-up, but the question remains: is anyone really that excited for Death Stranding 2? While the original game did well, it didn't exactly set the world on fire. And with Kojima's tendency to be overly eccentric and unfiltered, some readers feel that he may be overrated as a game designer.

But that's not to say that Kojima is a hack - he certainly has talent and has produced some great games. However, some feel that he would benefit from collaborating with other developers rather than being left to his own devices. And let's not forget the frustration caused by his cryptic announcements that reveal little about games that won't be released for years.

Despite these concerns, there are still some positive things to look forward to. Some readers are excited for Kojima's upcoming game, "OD", which they believe will make up for the disappointment of the cancelled "Silent Hills". Others are anticipating the release of the new Burnout game, hoping that it will bring back the beloved split-screen option and focus more on set piece crashes rather than an open world.

Meanwhile, there are also discussions about the shift towards digital-only games and the potential problems that come with it. One reader laments the loss of some great games that have disappeared from digital stores, while another expresses concern about the lack of ownership and control over digital games. But with the success of the PlayStation 5, it seems that Sony is not too worried about these issues at the moment.

And finally, there's some talk about Microsoft's involvement with the Call of Duty franchise and the promises they made about ending yearly sequels and bringing the game to the Switch. But as one reader points out, it seems that these were just empty promises and not to be taken too seriously.

Overall, it's clear that there are a lot of opinions and discussions surrounding the world of gaming. Whether it's about the talent of a game designer, the future of digital games, or the promises made by big companies, there's always something to talk about in the gaming community.
Many people have been discussing the recent State of Play event and the lack of first-party Sony games featured. Some are worried about the state of PlayStation's game lineup, while others are looking forward to the release of Burnout. If you want to join in on the conversation, you can email us your thoughts at the address provided.

Overall, the State of Play was considered good, but not great. While it was an improvement compared to previous events, the absence of any Sony-made games was a disappointment. It seems that Sony was relying on Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding 2 to fill the gap, but not everyone is excited about it. Some feel that the first game was just okay and that a sequel may not live up to expectations, as it appears to be even weirder than its predecessor.

There are also those who believe that Kojima is overrated, not necessarily bad but not as great as he thinks he is. They feel that he should collaborate with other people rather than being an unfiltered and never-ending source of weirdness. Additionally, some are tired of his vague game announcements that don't provide enough information and won't be released for years.

However, there are some positive things to say about Kojima, such as their excitement for his upcoming game called OD (possibly referring to Abandoned). The horror elements in the Death Stranding 2 trailer were particularly well-received, and many wished that Kojima had been able to complete Silent Hills. Hopefully, OD will make up for that disappointment.

Moving on from the State of Play discussion, there are suspicions that one of the announced games, Concord, was removed from the event at the last minute. This could be a sign that Sony is quietly cancelling or revamping their live service games, as they seem to be struggling and causing delays. Some believe that this is a necessary U-turn for Sony, as they transition back to focusing on single-player games.

It's fortunate for Sony that the PlayStation 5 is selling well, as they have been buying up exclusive games to cover their change in direction. However, others argue that they could have used that money to set up new studios and create their own games rather than relying on third-party exclusives.

A reader also brings up the issue of digital-only games and the potential of losing them forever. They mention games like P.T. and Activision's X-Men games that have disappeared and how it's shocking that this is happening more with newer generations of consoles rather than with retro games. However, it seems that there is no turning back from the digital-only trend, and it will likely become the standard soon.

Moving away from the serious topics, there is excitement about the possibility of a new Burnout game. The reader shares their love for Burnout 3: Takedown and the disappointment they felt when the split-screen option was removed in Burnout Paradise. They hope that the new game will bring back split-screen and the set piece crashes that were a highlight of the series. However, they also have some requests, such as releasing the game on PC in a fully functioning state and supporting super ultrawide monitors.

In contrast, another reader expresses their frustration with Kojima's tendency to blur the lines between movies and games. They feel that Death Stranding 2 will continue the trend of being a bore fest of cut scenes, and they are tired of developers wasting budgets on fancy cut scenes. To them, gameplay is what matters, and they would rather see Kojima try his hand at directing a movie. They also bring up Microsoft's involvement with Call of Duty and question the company's previous claims about ending yearly sequels and bringing the game to the Switch.

As the conversation shifts to different topics, it's clear that gamers have a lot of thoughts and opinions about the current state of the gaming industry. Whether it's about specific games, consoles, or gaming trends, there is always something to discuss and debate. And if you have something you want to add to the conversation, don't hesitate to email us your thoughts.

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