Discussing various topics including the 8th anniversary of Nintendo Switch, the possibility of co-op in Resident Evil 9, and nostalgia for the N64.

Monday letters page revisits original Silent Hill 2 after remake, with reader ready to try P.T. VR recreation.

October 21st 2024.

Discussing various topics including the 8th anniversary of Nintendo Switch, the possibility of co-op in Resident Evil 9, and nostalgia for the N64.
As we all know, time seems to pass by quickly when we are enjoying ourselves. And for gamers, this is especially true when we are busy selling consoles. In this week's Monday letters page, one reader shares their experience of replaying the original version of Silent Hill 2 after the remake. They also mention their excitement for playing a recreation of P.T. in VR. To join in on the discussions, readers are encouraged to email their thoughts.

In other news, yesterday marked the eighth anniversary of the reveal of the Nintendo Switch. This means that the console itself will turn eight in March. However, as of today, it has been exactly eight years and one day since we first learned about the Switch. It's incredible to think that when Nintendo first announced the console, many thought they were crazy for saying it would last for 10 years. But now, as we look back, we can see that they were right.

Knowing that it has been eight years since the announcement makes me feel old, but other than that, there isn't much else to draw from it. As some have pointed out, Nintendo had nothing to lose by revealing the Switch before Christmas, as it wouldn't affect sales of the Wii U. However, this year is different, and with the Switch still selling well, it only makes sense for Nintendo to announce any new updates or releases in January or February.

Of course, we can only speculate at this point, and no one can predict for sure what Nintendo has in store for us. But the excitement and buzz surrounding the potential updates and releases only help Nintendo in the long run. It shows that people are still interested and invested in the Switch, even before any official announcements have been made. It's amazing to think that eight years after its reveal, the Switch is now one of the top three selling consoles of all time.

Moving on to other gaming news, one reader shares their thoughts on Resident Evil 5, which they believe is underrated. They also mention their hope for a remake, as well as a potential co-op feature in the upcoming Resident Evil 9. However, there are rumors of an open-world game, which makes the possibility of co-op less likely. The reader also jokes that it could be a Resident Evil version of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but they personally would prefer a more tightly designed game that allows for multiple players, similar to Dark Souls. They also mention their excitement for Elden Ring, even if it's not exactly what they were hoping for.

In other reader emails, there is excitement for the upcoming P.T. VR re-do on PlayStation Dreams, just in time for Halloween. One reader even jokes about needing a cup of tea and a slice of Battenberg cake to get through it.

Speaking of reader emails, one reader shares their thoughts on the evolution of combat in The Legend of Zelda games. They have been a huge fan of the series since discovering Ocarina of Time on their N64. However, they find that the combat in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom is significantly harder. They mention their frustration with the weapon degradation system and their difficulty in mastering parrying and dodging, which seem essential for the final battles. Despite being able to complete side quests and collectathons, they have been unable to finish the storyline and see Hyrule return to peace. They mention that they are 58 years old and have been playing video games since the early 80s, wondering if their age and reaction time may be a factor in their struggles.

In response, the GC team suggests upgrading armor and using meals and elixirs to temporarily boost defense and attack during the final fights. They also mention upcoming games and reviews, including Kill Knight, which one reader highly recommends.

Finally, one reader shares their love for the N64 and Xbox 360, mentioning fond memories of booting up Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and Super Mario 64. They also mention their excitement for the upcoming Kill Knight game. As always, readers are encouraged to share their thoughts and suggestions via email.
Time flies when you’re busy selling consoles! It's amazing how quickly the days go by when you're caught up in the excitement of selling gaming systems. In fact, it's already Monday and we're back with another round of reader letters to keep the discussions going. As we dive into the letters, one reader shares their thoughts on the original version of Silent Hill 2, while another prepares to play a VR recreation of P.T. Join in on the conversations by emailing us your thoughts.

Speaking of anniversaries, did you know that yesterday marked the eighth anniversary of the reveal of the Nintendo Switch? It's hard to believe that it's been eight years since we first learned about this beloved console. And with its continued success, it seems like Nintendo's initial prediction of a 10-year lifespan was not as crazy as everyone thought.

But enough about the past, let's talk about the future. As we speculate on what's to come for the Switch, one reader points out that all the buzz and anticipation surrounding it is already helping Nintendo. People are excited and eager to learn more about the new console, even before Nintendo has officially announced anything. It's hard to believe that just eight years ago, the Wii U was struggling and now the Switch is one of the top three selling consoles of all time.

Moving on to other gaming news, one reader shares their thoughts on Resident Evil 5 and how it is often underrated. They also express their hope for a remake and believe that it's likely to happen, especially with Capcom running out of other ideas. Another reader agrees and thinks that the portrayal of Africa in the game could definitely use a rethink.

Speaking of remakes, one reader is eagerly anticipating the P.T. VR re-do on PlayStation Dreams in VR. They can't wait to get their hands on it and plan to enjoy it with a cup of tea and a slice of Battenberg. For those unfamiliar, Battenberg is a type of cake and we agree that it would be the perfect snack for a gaming session.

On a different note, one reader shares their thoughts on the evolution of combat in the Legend of Zelda games. As a long-time fan of the series, they've noticed a significant increase in difficulty, especially with the focus on parrying and dodging. While they enjoy the challenge, they admit that it can be frustrating and have found themselves unable to complete the final battles in games like Breath of the Wild. As someone who has been playing video games for decades, they can't help but wonder if it's just a sign of getting older.

And finally, one reader is curious if we plan to review Kill Knight, a game that came out earlier this month. While we don't have a review ready just yet, it is definitely on our radar and we will make sure to include it in our round-up of missed games in December.

Thanks to all our readers for sharing their thoughts and keeping the conversations going. As always, we appreciate your emails and look forward to reading more next week. Keep gaming!

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