Discover your tarot horoscope for the week of February 19 to February 25 and see what is in store for you.

Be prepared for the upcoming week.

February 18th 2024.

Discover your tarot horoscope for the week of February 19 to February 25 and see what is in store for you.
As we begin a new week, the cosmos are buzzing with activity. Pisces season is starting, Mercury is moving into Pisces, and we will experience a powerful Full Moon in Virgo. These energies are urging us to tap into our inner voice, our desire for self-improvement and growth, and our true identity. It's time to embrace who we are and live authentically aligned with our true selves. After all, as the saying goes, "be yourself, everyone else is taken."

So, who are you? Have you been hiding or suppressing parts of yourself? This week, you may discover a new side of yourself that has been waiting to emerge. Embrace it and let the tarot guide you on this journey.

Aries, this week you may feel a strong urge to let your shadow side out. You are tired of hiding parts of yourself to please others. But remember, being yourself doesn't give you permission to be awful. It's about embracing all aspects of yourself, even the ones that may not be seen as "good." True friends and partners will accept you for who you are, flaws and all.

Taurus, it's time to embrace your unique qualities and talents. The tarot card for this week, Judgment, reminds you that you are one-of-a-kind. Don't compare yourself to others, as you have your own special niche in this life. Embrace your "sweet spot" and showcase your strengths.

For Geminis, this week is all about celebrating your eternal youth. The Page of Cups encourages you to be playful, imaginative, and open-minded. Embrace your inner child and find wonder in the everyday. Watch nostalgic movies, read childhood books, and have fun with friends.

Cancer, you are known for your emotional and sensitive nature, but don't forget about your inner strength. The tarot card for this week, Strength, reminds you to not let anyone overlook or dismiss your feelings. Share your experiences and take pride in your strengths.

Leos, it's time to release your inner lion/queen. The Two of Swords urges you to trust your gut instinct and showcase your decisiveness and power. Take charge of unfinished business and make things happen.

Virgos, known for your helpful and supportive nature, it's time to ask for help yourself. The Six of Coins reminds you of the importance of balance and mutual support. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need this week.

No matter your zodiac sign, this week is about embracing your true self and living authentically. Let the tarot guide you on this journey and remember, you are unique and special in your own way. Embrace it and let your true self shine.
Are you ready for a new week? It's going to be quite a busy one in the cosmic realm. Pisces season is starting, Mercury is moving into Pisces, and to top it off, we'll also be experiencing a Full Moon in Virgo. These energies are all coming together to encourage us to really connect with our inner voices, our desire for self-improvement and growth, and our true identities. It's time to be ourselves and embrace our originality because, as they say, everyone else is already taken. It's better to be genuine than to put on a fake persona that will ultimately feel insincere.

So, who are you? Have you been suppressing or ignoring certain parts of yourself? What aspects of your identity are ready to emerge this week and make you feel truly grounded and alive? Let the tarot guide you on this journey.

Aries, from March 21 to April 20, you may be feeling a pull to let out your shadow side. You're tired of hiding parts of yourself that may not please others or have gotten you in trouble in the past. But remember, we are all both saint and sinner. Don't trust those who present themselves as completely virtuous or wholesome. A true friend or partner will see you at your lowest and still appreciate all that you are. This is not an excuse to behave poorly, but it is permission to embrace your authentic self, flaws and all.

Taurus, from April 21 to May 21, it's time to find your unique selling point. The tarot card for this week is Judgment, reminding you that you are one of a kind. Don't compare yourself to others or yearn for what they have. An epiphany may unfold, showing you just how special and deserving you are. Embrace your own niche and showcase the magical blend of strengths and talents that make you who you are.

Gemini, from May 22 to June 21, why bother growing up? The tarot card for you this week is the Page of Cups, encouraging you to celebrate your eternal youthfulness. Be playful, imaginative, and open-minded. Seek wonder in the everyday and add magic to even the smallest tasks. Indulge in nostalgic activities, spend time with friends, and above all, have fun!

Cancer, from June 22 to July 23, don't let anyone walk all over you. The tarot card for this week is Strength, reminding you of your core strength, patience, and empathy. You may be known for your emotional nature, but don't let others overlook or minimize your feelings. Be proud of all you have accomplished and share your stories and life lessons with others.

Leo, from July 24 to August 23, it's time to release your inner Lion King/Queen. The tarot card for you this week is the Two of Swords, encouraging you to trust your gut instinct and take charge. Lead, control, and act when others are hesitant. There may be some unfinished business that needs your decisive and powerful energy to make it right. Show them what a lion in full flow looks like.

Virgo, from August 24 to September 23, no more martyrdom. The tarot card for you this week is the Six of Coins, reminding you to also ask for help and support. You are always willing to lend a hand to others, but don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Demand what you deserve and don't be afraid to speak up for what you need. Don't let others take you for granted. It's all about balance and mutual support.

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