Discover the unexpected standout of the 2020 Republican National Convention.

Babydog and the Governor bring joy wherever they go, making everyone smile.

July 17th 2024.

Discover the unexpected standout of the 2020 Republican National Convention.
Move aside, Larry the Cat - there's a new political pet making waves in town. The Republican National Convention is currently underway in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with notable personalities such as Donald Trump and JD Vance taking the stage. But surprisingly, the star of the show this year is not a governor, senator, or presidential candidate - it's a chubby bulldog.

Meet Babydog, the beloved pup of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, who has gained widespread attention online for her calm and collected presence in the backdrop of her owner's speech. As Governor Justice delivered his remarks, Babydog could be seen lounging on a sleek black leather armchair, seemingly at ease in front of a room filled with hundreds of politicians.

It's no surprise that Babydog has captured the hearts of many, especially since her owner was a major speaker at the convention and made sure to mention his four-legged friend in his address. With a twinkle in his eye, Governor Justice shared Babydog's prediction for the future, stating confidently that the Republican party would retain the majority in the House, take over the United States Senate, and ultimately elect Donald J Trump and JD Vance in the upcoming November elections.

Babydog's popularity was evident as she was carried onstage by a member of the West Virginia State Police, receiving a warm welcome from the crowd with an energy typically reserved for none other than former President Donald Trump. And it's not just her charming personality that has won over hearts - she even has her own little carriage fit for a princess.

As Governor Justice continued to express his confidence in the party's success, he couldn't resist mentioning Babydog once again, stating that she too believes in their victory because "we're worth it." The beloved bulldog was also mentioned by Indiana congressman Jim Banks in his own speech, who humorously remarked, "Thank God Babydog is a Republican."

Babydog may have been born in 2019, but she quickly rose to fame as she accompanied her owner to various briefings during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Her presence was even used to encourage West Virginians to get vaccinated, with Governor Justice utilizing the slogan "Do It for Babydog" in a vaccination lottery campaign. And her influence doesn't stop there - she has also been immortalized in a mural at the state capitol.

The New York Times reported that Babydog's appearance at this year's RNC was met with an energy typically reserved for none other than former President Donald J. Trump. And why wouldn't it be? With her perfectly manicured paws and adorable demeanor, Babydog is hard not to love. As Governor Justice delivered his impassioned remarks, Babydog watched on with her two siblings, Boston Terriers Lucy and Ellie, by her side.

The Governor's website proudly boasts Babydog's charm, stating that whether she's making special appearances at major events or simply shaking paws with the locals during her travels, she never fails to bring a smile to everyone's face. Babydog may be a political pet, but she has undoubtedly captured the hearts of many and has proven to be an unexpected star at this year's convention. Move over, Larry the Cat - there's a new furry friend in town.

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