Decatur City Schools is implementing a new policy to charge tuition for K-5 students who live outside the district.

Proposal to combat low enrollment and financial deficits.

February 26th 2025.

Decatur City Schools is implementing a new policy to charge tuition for K-5 students who live outside the district.
Decatur City, located in Dekalb County, is known for its top-notch education system. However, it has recently made a big decision to start charging tuition for some of its students. This decision was made at a board of education meeting on February 11th.

According to representatives from City Schools of Decatur, only students who are zoned for the district will continue to receive free admittance to local schools. This means that K-5 students who live outside of the district will now have to pay nearly $8,000 in yearly tuition. The school system explains that this tuition rate may change annually depending on state expenditures and revenue.

The school system sees this change as an opportunity to improve their organization and serve more students. They believe that by charging tuition, they can generate the necessary revenue to address declining enrollment and budget deficits. At the board meeting, it was estimated that 60 students would generate $472,980 in revenue.

Decatur City has an estimated 5,700 students living within the city, which is also home to a virtual institute and 10 K-5 schools. Applications for tuition spaces will open in April, and a lottery or selection process will take place in May. There will also be a waitlist available if needed.

Despite the hefty price tag, Decatur's school system rankings may still attract families. According to World Population Review, Georgia ranks #31 in the nation for education. However, for parents who are willing to relocate for better educational options, they may need to look at the top five states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Virginia, and New Hampshire.

In recent years, some school districts have adopted a four-day instructional week to attract educators. With this new change in Decatur City's school system, parents may have to consider the cost of tuition when deciding where to relocate for their children's education. Nonetheless, Decatur City remains a top contender for providing excellent education to its students.

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