February 17th 2025.
Renowned magician David Blaine has been making waves in the entertainment industry for years with his daring stunts, from being encased in a block of ice to holding his breath for over 17 minutes. However, the 51-year-old has recently announced that he will be retiring from these death-defying performances after his upcoming stunt.
Blaine, who will be turning 52 in April, shared that he has been working diligently on his final-ever stunt, which he described as the "culmination" of all his previous projects. When asked about his plans for the future by actors Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson on their podcast, Blaine revealed that he will be stepping away from major stunts and focusing on magic tricks.
The decision was partly inspired by his main idol, Harry Houdini, who tragically passed away at the age of 52 in 1926. Blaine shared that he doesn't want to push his body to the point of breaking, and wants to shift his focus to something he loves - performing magic and bringing joy to children in hospitals.
Reflecting on Houdini's legacy, Blaine explained, "He had done the water tank and collapsed on stage because he didn't want to disappoint the audience even though he had severe stomach pains and he was rushed to hospital and died." Blaine believes that 52 should be the mark for him to step back from stunts and focus on other aspects of his career.
But before he bids farewell to stunts, Blaine has one final "highly intimidating" stunt in the works. He kept the details under wraps, only teasing that it will be his "final thing" and that he's "obsessed" with it. As for his future plans, Blaine shared that he wants to bring magic to kids in hospitals, which he says always brings him the best reactions.
In the past, Blaine has pushed the boundaries of what is possible with his stunts, like fasting while living in a perspex box above the River Thames for days on end. But not all of his stunts have gone smoothly - during the opening night of his 2023 tour, Blaine dislocated his shoulder after jumping from scaffolding onto a pile of cardboard boxes. Despite the injury, he continued with the show and even had five orthopaedic surgeons in the audience who were able to pop his shoulder back into place.
Looking towards the future, Blaine is excited to focus on "card tricks," which he says is what fans love to see him do the most. He also shared that he's open to new opportunities, saying, "I love pushing myself but I don't want to push myself to the point where you actually break."
As for his fans, Blaine is grateful for their support and invites them to stay tuned for his final stunt before he moves on to the next chapter of his career. He ended his interview by saying, "If you've got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the entertainment team - we'd love to hear from you."
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