Dalit and tribal groups want to observe a nationwide strike on August 21 to demand better representation.

Dalit and Adivasi groups are holding a nationwide strike on Wednesday to demand greater representation and protection for marginalized communities. The NACDAOR has listed several demands, including justice and equity for SCs, STs, and OBCs.

August 20th 2024.

Dalit and tribal groups want to observe a nationwide strike on August 21 to demand better representation.
A nationwide protest is set to take place on Wednesday as Dalit and Adivasi groups unite to demand better representation and protection for marginalized communities. The National Confederation of Dalit and Adivasi Organisations (NACDAOR) has put forth a list of demands, including the need for justice and equality for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes.

One of the main reasons for this protest is the recent Supreme Court ruling by a seven-judge bench, which the NACDAOR believes goes against the previous decision made by a nine-judge bench in the groundbreaking Indira Sawhney case. This case was instrumental in establishing the system of reservations in India. The NACDAOR is calling on the government to reject this ruling, stating that it poses a threat to the constitutional rights of SCs and STs.

In addition to this, the organization is also pushing for a new Act of Parliament to be passed, which would provide reservations for SCs, STs, and OBCs. This Act would be safeguarded by its inclusion in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution, ensuring protection from judicial interference and promoting social harmony.

The NACDAOR is also demanding the prompt release of caste-based data on SC/ST/OBC employees in government services to ensure their accurate representation. Moreover, they are advocating for the implementation of an Indian Judicial Service, with the goal of recruiting judicial officers and judges from all communities. The aim is to achieve a 50 per cent representation from SC, ST, and OBC categories in the higher judiciary.

The organization is also calling for all backlog vacancies in central and state government departments, as well as public sector undertakings, to be filled. They are also urging private sector companies that benefit from government incentives or investments to implement affirmative action policies within their firms.

The NACDAOR is appealing to Dalits, Adivasis, and OBCs to join them in a peaceful protest on Wednesday. They believe that by standing together, they can bring about positive change and ensure the protection and representation of marginalized communities.

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