Cute pup falls on walk, breaks arms.

Moon's treatment was complicated due to her breed-related health issues, but we're glad she had a happy ending.

October 21st 2024.

Cute pup falls on walk, breaks arms.
A heartwarming story has emerged of a five-month-old French Bulldog puppy named Moon who faced a terrifying ordeal after breaking both of her front elbows. The incident occurred while she was out for a walk with her loving family, who were shocked and worried when little Moon suddenly tripped and fell, unable to get up and crying in pain.

Her owner, Eren, immediately rushed her to the veterinarian where they were met with the devastating news that she had fractured both of her front legs. The injury required surgical intervention, with the use of screws and wires to repair the damage. Eren described the surgery as successful, but also shared the fear and uncertainty they felt, as they were unsure if Moon would pull through.

After closely monitoring Moon's recovery for a week, Eren was overjoyed to finally bring her home to her three young children. Moon has shown incredible resilience and determination, making a remarkable recovery that has brought immense relief to her family.

However, this incident highlights a concerning trend in the French Bulldog breed. According to the PDSA, a charity for veterinarians, Moon's type of fracture is becoming increasingly common among French Bulldogs, who are one of the most popular breeds in England and Wales. Shocking statistics reveal that in 2023 alone, French Bulldogs made up two-thirds of surgically repaired elbow fractures.

PDSA Vet Lynne James has expressed her concern over this trend, explaining that these types of injuries can happen to French Bulldogs in everyday accidents, such as jumping off furniture or tripping over a step. She also emphasizes that this breed is prone to other health concerns, which can further complicate their treatment and recovery.

Despite the severity of Moon's injury, her story has a happy ending, thanks to the dedication and care of her owner and the veterinary team. However, it serves as a reminder for potential French Bulldog owners to do thorough research and understand the breed's potential health problems before bringing one into their lives. It is crucial to be aware of the responsibilities and challenges that come with owning a French Bulldog, to ensure their health and well-being are prioritized.

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