Craig Charles experienced pain during a live radio show and was taken to hospital for treatment.

He couldn't hold a pen.

March 24th 2023.

Craig Charles experienced pain during a live radio show and was taken to hospital for treatment.

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On Wednesday night, Craig Charles' wife took him to A&E after the radio presenter and former Coronation Street actor, 58, experienced pain during his BBC Radio 5 Music show. He managed to finish the gig, however, before getting medical attention. He later informed his listeners that he was unable to grip a pen and had a pain in the right side of his shoulder, neck and head. The star then had an ECG to check for any heart problems, followed by tests which lasted for 24 hours. Craig praised the Wythenshawe Hospital staff for their care, despite having to wait five hours to be seen.

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His hospital dash was made known after it was reported that his show Moneybags had been cancelled after two series.

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On Wednesday night, Craig Charles' wife took him to A&E after the presenter and former Coronation Street actor became unwell while live on the air of his BBC Radio 5 Music show. Despite experiencing pain and tingling in his hands and neck, Craig managed to finish the gig before seeking medical help. On Friday, he returned to the airwaves to explain the situation, revealing that he underwent an ECG to rule out heart problems and was held in hospital for a total of 24 hours.

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His hospital dash follows the cancellation of his Channel 4 show Moneybags, which first aired in November 2021 and ran for two series. Craig joked that after all the tests, it seemed that he was not dying, but had not yet been diagnosed with anything.

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