Court scolds police for arresting Black Good Samaritan who stopped drunk driver.

Houston Police Department scolded by court after officers falsely arrested a Black man using lies.

May 25th 2024.

Court scolds police for arresting Black Good Samaritan who stopped drunk driver.
In a recent incident, a Black man who was trying to do the right thing ended up being arrested by the police. What started as a simple act of calling the police to report an alleged drunk driver fleeing the scene of a crash, turned into a nightmare for Austin Hughes. As a former police officer himself, Hughes knew the importance of following the law and decided to take matters into his own hands by detaining the drunk driver until the authorities arrived.

However, instead of thanking Hughes for his bravery and cooperation, the police officers decided to arrest him on charges of impersonating law enforcement. Shockingly, they even let the drunk driver go free without any consequences. This sparked outrage and criticism from a three-judge panel who reprimanded the Houston Police Department for their actions.

According to reports from The Houston Chronicle, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals denounced the police department for their wrongful arrest of Hughes in 2019. It was revealed that Hughes, who was working as a part-time security guard at the time, had called 911 after witnessing the drunk driver crash his vehicle and attempt to flee by running into traffic. He bravely chased the driver and used handcuffs to restrain him until the officers arrived.

Despite there being another eyewitness who also called 911 and gave the same account of the incident, and the driver himself admitting to being drunk and failing a sobriety test, the police still chose to arrest Hughes. This was a clear violation of the law and the officers involved should have known better.

Judge Andrew Oldham, who presided over the case, emphasized the importance of officers always telling the truth and following established rules. In his decision, he stated that this case did not involve any split-second decisions or chaotic situations, but rather a simple rule that all officers should be aware of - do not lie.

What's even more concerning is that the officers involved, Michael Garcia and Joshua Few, failed to mention any of this in their sworn affidavits. They chose to believe the intoxicated man's fabricated story of Hughes attacking him and impersonating a police officer. This raises questions about their motives and priorities as law enforcement officers.

Paul Doyle, Hughes' criminal defense lawyer, expressed his disappointment and disbelief in the actions of the police officers. He questioned why they would go after a Good Samaritan, who happened to be African-American, when there are countless unsolved cases of aggravated robberies and murders in the city. It is truly disheartening to see that these officers are still on the force and it is uncertain if they have faced any consequences for their actions.

In conclusion, this incident highlights the need for accountability and transparency within law enforcement. It is crucial for officers to always uphold the law and treat all individuals equally, regardless of their race or background. It is only by following these principles that we can build a just and fair society for all.

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