Court hears that 'living god' in Coventry used daughters of disciples for sexual purposes.

Several women have accused him of sexual abuse and financial exploitation.

July 4th 2024.

Court hears that 'living god' in Coventry used daughters of disciples for sexual purposes.
Rajinder Kalia, the head priest of a temple in Coventry, is facing serious accusations of manipulating his followers into believing that he is a reincarnation of God himself. According to the court, Kalia, who had claimed to be a "living god", not only used one of his disciple's daughters for sexual purposes, but also treated them as slaves.

The 68-year-old priest has been accused by four women of sexual abuse, while three others claim that they were financially exploited by him. However, Kalia has denied all these allegations, stating that they are part of a conspiracy to extort money from him.

Kalia is the head of the Sidh Baba Balak Nath Ji Society of Coventry, a religious organization that follows the principles of Hinduism. One of his former followers, Sukhdev Kaur, along with her daughters Mandeep and Harprit Dilbeher, have come forward and waived their anonymity to testify against him.

During the hearing, Ms. Kaur bravely revealed, "I came here to tell the judge what [Kalia] did to my daughters. He assaulted them and had sex with them. He treated us like slaves and we were nothing to him. He didn't even ask for my daughters' consent before assaulting them."

One of the alleged victims also claimed that Kalia treated them as slaves, while another said that she failed her school exams due to the abuse she suffered as a child. A third victim revealed that her virginity was taken in a rape at a hotel in Birmingham, while the fourth claimed that she was hugged and kissed inappropriately from the young age of four, and later had her virginity taken as a young adult.

Moreover, Ms. Kaur also accused Kalia of exploiting her financially, as she paid him a total of £338,000 in donations and for his visits to India. She stated, "He was our guru and we believed that we had to go through him to connect with God."

Ms. Crowther, the lawyer representing Kalia, pointed out that one of the victims, Mandeep, had stated in her witness statement that she did not attend the temple frequently after the age of ten. However, Ms. Kaur replied, "When she was young, she used to come with me. But as she grew older, it was her choice to not come."

Ms. Kaur also revealed that Kalia imposed strict rules on his followers, such as not communicating with each other without his permission. She added, "We were not allowed to speak to each other. He had his own set of rules, and no one could do anything without his approval."

Ms. Crowther further inquired about the singing and dancing that took place at the temple, to which Ms. Kaur replied, "People used to sing and dance on their own, but they were not allowed to communicate with each other."

It is a shocking and disturbing case, as Kalia, who was supposed to guide his followers towards God, took advantage of their trust and exploited them in such a heinous manner. The hearing is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how the court will deliver justice in this complex and sensitive case.

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