Couple's wish of having a baby finally came true after using their lottery winnings for IVF treatment. They now have a beautiful baby girl.

A midwife and an obstetrician welcomed their second daughter with help from a lottery win, bringing them joy in the hospital they both work in.

April 16th 2023.

Couple's wish of having a baby finally came true after using their lottery winnings for IVF treatment. They now have a beautiful baby girl.
Ellie and Cameron's long-awaited dream of having a second daughter came true when they welcomed baby Matilda in November 2022. The couple had previously used their £30,000 lottery win to pay for IVF and had their first daughter, Hattie, in February 2021. The Hintons, who live in the Bristol suburb of Downend, decided to use £3,000 of their winnings to fund an embryo transfer, and their joy was overwhelming when the transfer was successful. Mrs Hinton said: “It was so exciting and also a relief to know we wouldn’t have to go through the whole cycle again and that was our last embryo in storage.

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Thanks to their lottery win, Ellie and Cameron could finally give their daughter Hattie the longed-for sibling they had wished for.

Ellie and Cameron Hinton were overjoyed when they welcomed their longed-for second daughter, Matilda, into the world at Southmead Hospital in Bristol. The couple, who met when they were both delivering babies on Christmas Day a decade ago and married in 2018, had faced a fertility battle but thanks to their £30,000 lottery win, they were able to fund IVF treatment and give their first daughter Hattie, who was also conceived through IVF, a sibling.

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Ellie and Cameron used some of their People’s Postcode Lottery win on an embryo transfer and, in March 2021, were thrilled to discover the news that it had been successful. Matilda was born in November 2022, weighing 8lb 9oz, and is a very happy baby. Ellie says she realises how lucky they were that it worked in the end, and has so much respect and sympathy for those going through infertility.

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