Find out what the tarot has in store for your sign in August 2023.

Prep for a fresh start!

July 29th 2023.

Find out what the tarot has in store for your sign in August 2023.
August is here, bringing with it an energy of change and opportunity. Venus is retrograde and Mercury is in Virgo, meaning this month may bring some difficult conversations and realisations in terms of relationships. But the advent of Leo season provides a surge of main character energy that will last until August 22.

Aries in particular should be prepared for a busy month. Opportunities will come thick and fast, but tough decisions will also need to be made. In order to achieve success, Aries must trust their instincts and move on from the past. This is the time to focus on the future, and to make sure every decision is authentically coming from the heart.

Taurus should take a closer look at their circle of friends. It’s important to remember that we keep different people around us for different reasons, but be aware of any toxic influences which may be present. At the same time, it’s important to open up to new friendships, and look for fellow Earth signs for support.

Gemini can expect to experience a surge of love energy this August. This is the time to make sure wishes are heartfelt and meaningful, and to make the most of the cosmic energy available. Focus on romance, family, and home - all of these areas are likely to experience a period of abundance and joy.

Cancer should prepare to take the lead this month. This is the time to offer emotionally intelligent counsel and wise life advice to those in need. Cancer has the opportunity to truly change people’s lives this August, and should be ready to step up and guide in unexpected places.

Finally, Leo should be ready to enjoy their astrological season. This month, Leo will experience a ‘midas touch’ which can be used to tackle issues and create new opportunities. Now is the time to prioritize what is most important, and make the most of travel, education, and creativity. Life is good, Leo - enjoy it!
Are you ready for a new month? August is sure to be an eventful one for many star signs! With Venus in retrograde and Mercury in Virgo, it's possible that there may be some difficult conversations and realisations in terms of your relationships this month. But don't forget about the Leo season that ends on August 22nd and takes us into Virgo - it's sure to bring plenty of main character energy and big cat confidence.

Ahead, you'll find your star sign's tarot horoscope for August with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.

For Aries (March 21 to April 20), the combination of Justice and King of Wands urge you to obey your gut instincts. Don't talk yourself out of it for rational or practical reasons - go with it and make it work. The Six of Swords shows that it is time to move on and depart from something. It might be a place, a thing, or a person. It's not sad, it's simply time to go. Start preparing and make it happen.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21) should ask themselves if their friendship circle is really serving them. The Three of Swords shows that there may be someone close who stays around to judge and observe rather than wishing them well or helping them out. The Three of Cups reveals that the people around them may be too focused on having fun and partying, rather than providing moral and practical support. The Ace of Coins urges them to open themselves up to new friendships this month onwards.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21) will find love in the air this month! The Two of Swords asks them to get really clear what their wishes are right now and be focused and steadfast. The Nine of Cups is granting them their wish so don't waste it on something insignificant or fleeting. Make this cosmic energy count! The Empress hints that this wish may be about love, romance, passion, family, children, pets, and home.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23) will find their wisdom invaluable this month. The King of Cups sees them offering emotionally intelligent counsel and support to people in need. The King of Swords sees them providing shrewd and wise life advice to people who need it about practical or stressful matters. The Three of Wands reveals that these opportunities to guide will crop up out of the blue, so be ready to lend an ear.

Leo (July 24 to August 23) should enjoy their astrological season! A trio of Wands cards amplify the presence of that suit's activities in their life this August. They should prioritize what they most want to work on or welcome in, and simply go get it. The Six of Wands reveals they possess a midas touch, the ability to turn dust to gold, and they can create opportunities for themselves through intention and charm easily.

Finally, Virgo (August 24 to September 23) should take a risk this month. The Hanged Man sees them facing an obstacle, and their usual tactics have failed. It's time for a different approach. The Page of Wands tells them to put different tactics in motion and try them all out. The Eight of Swords acknowledges this isn't their usual way, but it's good to be different and push out of a comfort zone. That's where the answer to this issue lies.

Head to the linked page to find out more about being a part of your star sign!

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