Couple fined £1,200 after cleaning up litter near their home.

Cleaning street backfired, council ungrateful. Felt mad and teary.

July 10th 2024.

Couple fined £1,200 after cleaning up litter near their home.
Veronika and Zoltan had always taken pride in their street. They had lived in their home in Stoke-on-Trent for nine years, and during that time, they had seen the street slowly become dirtier and dirtier. It wasn't their fault, of course. Their neighbors and other people would often dump their rubbish on the street, leaving it unsightly and unhygienic.

But recently, the situation had become unbearable. Zoltan, who was 46 years old, had had enough. He couldn't stand seeing the street covered in litter any longer. So, he took matters into his own hands and started picking up the rubbish, filling up an old box with the trash that had been scattered around. He placed the box beside the bins, hoping that the council would come and collect it.

But instead of being praised for their efforts, Veronika and Zoltan were shocked to receive a hefty fine of £1,200 for fly-tipping. It seemed like a cruel punishment for simply trying to clean up their street. Veronika, who was 41, was devastated and even cried when she found out about the fine.

They couldn't understand why they both received a fine, even though only Zoltan's name was written on the box. It was unfair, especially since Veronika's name was not even on the box. They had always been responsible and law-abiding citizens, and yet they were being punished for trying to make their street a better place.

Over the years, Veronika and Zoltan had often taken it upon themselves to clean up the street, sometimes with the help of their neighbors. But lately, the situation had become so bad that they had even spotted rats, cats, and seagulls rummaging through the rubbish. It was a health hazard, and they couldn't just sit by and do nothing.

Zoltan had written a letter to the council, signed by several of their neighbors, explaining their situation and pleading for leniency. But it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. The council was adamant about enforcing the fine, despite the evidence that they were not responsible for the mess on the street.

Feeling defeated and frustrated, Veronika and Zoltan made a difficult decision. They announced that they would no longer be cleaning their street. They had lost all motivation and were too afraid to do anything now, even if it meant letting the street become a breeding ground for rats.

The council, on the other hand, claimed that the matter had been resolved and all liability had been discharged. But Veronika and Zoltan were still left with the burden of paying the fine. In an effort to recoup some of the money they had lost, they set up a GoFundMe page, hoping for some support from the community.

It was a sad situation for Veronika and Zoltan, who had only wanted to make their street a cleaner and safer place to live. They couldn't understand why they were being punished for their good intentions. But despite their disappointment, they remained hopeful that one day, their efforts would be appreciated and their street would become a better place for everyone.

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