Could Donald Trump appear on a $250 bill before Harriet Tubman is featured on the $20?

Wilson's plans halted due to U.S. law prohibiting use of living person's image on currency.

February 26th 2025.

Could Donald Trump appear on a $250 bill before Harriet Tubman is featured on the $20?
Despite years of waiting, Americans still have yet to see civil rights activist, Harriet Tubman, on the $20 bill. However, there are new plans in the works for President Donald Trump's portrait to be featured on a $250 bill, as reported by The State. Congressman Joe Wilson, a vocal supporter of Trump, believes this could help combat the rising inflation, which he blames on current President Joe Biden. Wilson took to social media to share his proposal, including a mock-up of what the bill could look like, stating, "Grateful to announce that I am drafting legislation to direct the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to design a $250 bill featuring Donald J. Trump. Bidenflation has destroyed the economy, forcing American families to carry more cash. Most valuable bill for the most valuable President!"

However, there may be a roadblock in Wilson's plans as federal law prohibits the use of living individuals' images on U.S. currency, and the bureau only prints $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 notes. While this may shut down Wilson's proposal, it could also reignite the conversation about Tubman being featured on the $20 bill. This idea was first introduced in 2015 when Barbara Ortiz Howard launched the Women on 20s campaign, advocating for a woman to be represented on U.S. currency through a nationwide election.

In the end, Tubman won the vote, beating out other influential women such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks, and even received support from former President Barack Obama. In a 2016 letter to then-U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew, Obama wrote, "I am excited to announce that for the first time in more than a century, the front of our currency will feature the portrait of a woman - Harriet Tubman on the $20 note." This decision not only adds diversity to the abundance of white male leaders on U.S. currency but also addresses the issue of accessibility for millions of Americans with vision loss.

In fact, a 2008 opinion by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit supported the addition of Tubman's image to currency, stating, "A large majority of other currency systems have accommodated the visually impaired, and the secretary does not explain why U.S. currency should be any different." While this change may take some time, as the Treasury Department is legally required to investigate the issue of accessibility, it is a step in the right direction.

In contrast, the idea of placing Trump's image on forms of currency has already proven to be problematic. In 2023, websites selling "Trump Bucks" were taken down after an investigation revealed them to be part of a scam targeting Republican supporters. The scam involved AI-generated narration and false celebrity endorsements, leading victims to invest thousands of dollars in the hopes of the Trump-branded coins, checks, and cards becoming valuable after his return to office.

As we wait for the possibility of Tubman's appearance on U.S. currency, we can celebrate the first black director of the U.S. Mint, who recently launched limited-edition Harriet Tubman commemorative silver and gold coins. It is a small but significant step towards honoring her legacy and recognizing the importance of diversity in our society.

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