An EastEnders character is devastated and on their knees as they worry about their child's potential death.

Sensational images to come.

June 28th 2024.

An EastEnders character is devastated and on their knees as they worry about their child's potential death.
Priya and Ravi received some shocking news about their son Nugget. It was heartbreaking for them to hear that he had collapsed due to an overdose. Sophie Khan Levy, who plays Priya in EastEnders, shared her character's horror over the situation. It was a difficult time for the Nandra-Hart family as they tried to make sense of what had happened.

As loyal viewers of the BBC soap know, Nugget's friend Denzel had been struggling with an addiction to performance-enhancing drugs. Sadly, he had also started offering them to Nugget. In the upcoming scenes, a boxing tournament at The Den leads to some tension between the boys. Tommy Moon teases Nugget, and a scuffle breaks out. Fortunately, Zack Hudson and Ravi Gulati are there to break it up.

Zack becomes suspicious of Denzel's behavior and decides to put up a sign about drug testing at The Den. This spooks Nugget, and he quickly leaves the premises. Meanwhile, Priya's daughter Avani discovers that her mother has been using Suki's credit card without permission. This news worries Avani as she fears her family might get kicked out of their home, No. 41.

Just as Priya and Ravi are trying to deal with the aftermath of Nugget's collapse, Avani shares some concerning news with her mother. This leads Priya to make a risky decision and make a deal with Nish to secure her family's future. Sophie explained that Priya's main concern is her children and making sure they are taken care of. She may have a tough exterior, but deep down, all she wants is to protect her family.

Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse when Avani barges in and reveals that Nugget has collapsed outside the community center and is being rushed to the hospital. Everyone is worried about his condition, and the doctors are trying their best to save him. Sophie revealed that Priya has no medical knowledge, so she immediately jumps to the worst-case scenario and believes she may lose her son.

Amidst all the chaos, Ravi and Priya get into a heated argument over their parenting failures. Ravi eventually pulls Dr. Miller aside and mentions Zack's concerns about the steroid usage. After some tests, it turns out that Zack's worries were justified. As the family tries to come to terms with the news that Nugget may need long-term dialysis, Nish reminds Priya of their agreement.

However, things may not go as planned for Priya as she tries to secure her family's future. With Nugget's health in jeopardy, her decision to make a deal with Nish may backfire. As always, Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community is the place to be for all the latest spoilers, interviews, and gossip from EastEnders, Coronation Street, and Emmerdale. So don't forget to join and stay updated on all things soaps!

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