Convicted killer's final meal disclosed after he declines to speak before execution.

Georgia Department of Corrections: Pye accepted a last prayer but did not document a final statement.

March 21st 2024.

Convicted killer's final meal disclosed after he declines to speak before execution.
Last night, the state of Georgia witnessed the execution of Willie James Pye, the first man to be put to death in the state in four years. It was a somber and heavy moment as Pye's life came to an end, but not without a final meal that raised some eyebrows.

Pye had been sentenced to death in 1993 for the brutal murder, kidnapping, armed robbery, rape, and burglary of Alicia Lynn Yarborough. He was given a lethal injection and was pronounced dead at 11:03 pm on Wednesday evening. According to the Georgia Department of Corrections, Pye accepted a final prayer but did not make a final statement.

However, he did make sure to satisfy his hunger before his execution, as his last meal consisted of two chicken sandwiches, two cheeseburgers, french fries, two bags of plain potato chips, and two lemon-lime sodas. It was a substantial and indulgent last meal, to say the least.

Despite Pye's imminent execution, his lawyers made a last-minute effort to stop it from happening. They argued that Pye should not be put to death because he is intellectually disabled and feels remorse for his victim's family. They also brought up the fact that he had been neglected and faced violence since birth, which may have influenced his actions.

Cathy Harmon-Christian from "Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty" also protested Pye's execution, claiming that he had been "effectively abandoned" by his previous lawyers during his trial. She stated that there was no one to stand between Pye and his fate, and that his low IQ and troubled upbringing were not taken into consideration during his trial.

Despite these efforts, the request was rejected, and Pye's execution was carried out as planned. Court records show that Pye, along with his accomplices Chester Adams and Anthony Freeman, robbed, kidnapped, raped, and murdered Miss Yarborough 30 years ago.

At the time, Miss Yarborough was living with her boyfriend, who was the father of her child. However, Pye believed that the baby was his and was determined to get his share of the money that Miss Yarborough's boyfriend had received from a lawsuit. When they arrived at the couple's home, Miss Yarborough was alone, and that's when things took a horrific turn.

Pye held her at gunpoint, kidnapped her, and along with Adams and Freeman, took her to a motel, where they took turns raping her. They then took her in a car and drove down a dirt path, where Pye shot her three times, leaving her for dead. DNA evidence found on Miss Yarborough's body tied Pye to the crime.

Adams pleaded guilty to his involvement in 1997 and is currently serving five consecutive life sentences. Freeman, who was only 15 at the time of the crime, confessed and took a plea deal. He was the main witness at Pye's trial and is now out on parole. As for Pye, his life may have ended last night, but the memory of his actions and the pain he caused will live on.

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