Katherine Jackson fails to prevent sale of Michael Jackson's catalog in legal dispute.

Katherine Jackson believed the sale went against Michael Jackson's will.

July 19th 2024.

Katherine Jackson fails to prevent sale of Michael Jackson's catalog in legal dispute.
Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, recently faced a legal battle with her son's estate over the proposed sale of MJ's music catalog to Sony Music. Despite her opposition, the court ruled in favor of the estate, stating that Katherine had already forfeited her chance to contest the sale.

According to Rolling Stone, the matriarch of the Jackson family had initially opposed the sale, citing a violation of Michael's will. However, the appellate court ruled that since she did not raise this argument when the court first approved the deal over a year ago, she could not do so now on appeal. It was determined that the estate's executors, John Branca and John McClain, had the full power and authority to negotiate the sale.

The three-judge panel from California's Second Appellate District agreed with the lower court's ruling, stating that even if Katherine had raised the issue at the time, the result would have been the same. The judges also noted that Katherine had previously agreed in the probate court that the will granted the executors the power to sell, exchange, or dispose of the estate's property.

In earlier news, it was reported that Sony Music Group had signed an agreement to purchase half of MJ's publishing and masters catalog for a minimum of $600 million. This catalog, which is valued at $1.2 billion to $1.5 billion, will greatly benefit the beneficiaries of MJ's estate, his three children - Prince, Paris, and Blanket. It was also stipulated in MJ's will that his mother, Katherine, be taken care of for the rest of her life.

In addition, it was recently announced that MJ's first studio recording will be digitally released, allowing fans to enjoy his music in a new and modern way. Despite the legal disputes surrounding his music catalog, MJ's legacy continues to live on through his timeless music.

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