Contact Ofcom! 14 most complained about scenes in soap history.

Ofcom had a lot to handle with these plotlines!

June 30th 2024.

Contact Ofcom! 14 most complained about scenes in soap history.
As much as we love our favorite soap operas like Coronation Street, Emmerdale, EastEnders, and Hollyoaks, there are times when the storylines can be a bit too much for fans to handle. These shows are known for tackling difficult and sensitive topics, but occasionally, they cross a line that leaves viewers feeling unsettled.

One such instance occurred last month on Emmerdale when 850 horrified viewers reached out to broadcasting regulator Ofcom to complain about the despicable actions of character Tom King. He had abused a pet dog named Piper, leaving fans outraged and making it one of the most complained-about moments in soap history.

Soap boss Laura Shaw spoke out about the storyline, acknowledging that they may have gone too far. She even joked that perhaps they should have used an "ugly dog" instead. But she also explained that the storyline was based on real-life research, as abusers often use family pets as weapons against their victims.

This is just one example of how continuing dramas are not afraid to shy away from difficult or controversial storylines. While this may earn them respect, it can also lead to a lot of backlash from viewers.

Let's take a look at some of the most complained-about soap storylines of all time. One that stands out in particular is the infamous baby swap on EastEnders, which sparked outrage and received a staggering 13,400 complaints. This storyline, where character Ronnie Mitchell switched the body of her dead baby with another newborn, caused a national uproar and even led to actress Sam quitting the show.

Similarly, Coronation Street's Pat Phelan's reign of terror will never be forgotten. His gruesome actions, including sexually assaulting a character and killing his own daughter, led to over 500 complaints. One specific scene where he forced a man to kill his own henchman and then shot the man himself led to heated discussions about whether the show had gone too far with its dark and violent content.

And it's not just extreme violence that can spark outrage among viewers. Sometimes, it's the characters' words and actions that can cause controversy. For example, when Karen Taylor on EastEnders went on an anti-vaccination rant during the Covid lockdowns, over 680 complaints were made to the BBC. Many felt that the show should not have included such a divisive and sensitive topic, especially during a time when emotions were already running high.

But it's not just current events that can stir up complaints in the soap world. In 2016, Emmerdale aired a storyline where characters planned to dognap and hold a dog for ransom. This sparked concerns from viewers that it may inspire similar crimes in real life, leading to 448 complaints. However, Ofcom ultimately cleared the show, stating that the scenes were not likely to encourage people to commit dog theft.

Another controversial storyline on Emmerdale was when characters Laurel and Jai decided to abort their baby after learning it had Down's Syndrome. This sparked outrage and received 447 complaints, with a petition even reaching over 30,000 signatures. But the show defended its decision, stating that they had done extensive research and approached the topic sensitively.

Despite all the complaints and controversies, these shows continue to push boundaries and tackle tough issues. And while they may receive backlash, they also receive praise for shedding light on important topics and sparking important conversations. As soap fans, we can always expect to be surprised, shocked, and sometimes even outraged by the storylines, but that's all part of the drama and entertainment that keeps us tuning in week after week.
Sometimes, soap operas can push the boundaries and stir up controversy with their storylines. Popular shows like Coronation Street, Emmerdale, EastEnders, and Hollyoaks are known for tackling tough topics and sensitive issues. However, there are times when fans feel that these shows have gone too far.

For instance, in a recent Emmerdale storyline, 850 viewers were horrified by the character Tom King's abuse of a pet dog named Piper. This caused an uproar and became one of the most complained about stories in soap history. When asked about it, soap boss Laura Shaw admitted that she expected the outrage from viewers. She also explained that the decision to have a cute dog in danger was based on research, as this is often a tactic used by abusers in real life.

Soap operas are known for not shying away from difficult or controversial storylines. While they receive a lot of respect for this, it can also lead to backlash from viewers. So, let's take a look at some of the most complained about soap storylines of all time.

At the top of the list is Ronnie Mitchell's baby swap on EastEnders, which received 13,400 complaints. This shocking moment, in which Ronnie switched her dead baby with Kat Slater's newborn son, caused national outrage and sparked discussions about whether the show had gone too far. Similarly, on Coronation Street, Pat Phelan's reign of terror and his double murder of Andy and Michael received 541 complaints and led to debates about the show's level of darkness.

In another controversial moment, Karen Taylor's anti-vax rant on EastEnders received 684 complaints. The show had to balance addressing real-life events during the Covid lockdowns with the risk of causing offense. This particular storyline sparked a lot of backlash from viewers, with many criticizing the character's views on vaccines.

In 2016, Emmerdale aired a dognapping plot that received 448 complaints. Viewers were concerned that the scenes might inspire copycat crimes in real life. However, Ofcom ultimately cleared the show, stating that the characters involved were not role models and the attempt to steal the dog was unsuccessful.

Similarly, when Jai and Laurel on Emmerdale decided to have an abortion after discovering their baby had Down's Syndrome, the show received 447 complaints. A petition was also started, with over 30,000 signatures asking for the storyline to be dropped. Show producer Laura Shaw defended the plot, stating that it was based on real-life experiences and was done in a sensitive and balanced way.

In the end, it's a delicate balance for soap operas to tackle tough issues while also considering the potential impact on viewers. These shows are known for pushing boundaries and starting conversations, but they also have a responsibility to handle sensitive topics with care.

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