Constance Marten and Mark Gordon are facing a court appearance following the discovery of a baby's remains.

Hundreds of people gathered near the location where the baby's remains were discovered to hold a vigil in honor of the child.

March 3rd 2023.

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon are facing a court appearance following the discovery of a baby's remains.

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Reverend Betsy Gray-Hammond spoke to the crowd during the vigil, saying: 'This has caused such a cloud of darkness in this area, and we feel we want to bring some light back into that darkness. We’re not here to judge and not here to make a judgement. We’re here to try and bring some peace and grace back into this area.'

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Barry Hughes, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London North, said: 'The CPS has authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Constance Marten and Mark Gordon with gross negligence manslaughter. Constance Marten, aged 35, and Mark Gordon, aged 48, have also been charged with concealing the birth of a child and perverting the course of justice.'

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