Coffee drinkers can finally find out what delicious coffee really tastes like with Pret's new changes.

Rise and enjoy the aroma of coffee.

July 19th 2024.

Coffee drinkers can finally find out what delicious coffee really tastes like with Pret's new changes.
It's been a tough week for us Brits, hasn't it? First, we had to suffer through the heartbreaking defeat of England in the Euros final against Spain on Sunday. And now, we've been hit with the news that our beloved Pret coffee subscription will soon be no more. It's a sad day for all of us coffee lovers.

In a bold move, Pret announced to its Club Pret members yesterday that starting September, they will no longer be entitled to their daily dose of up to five free drinks and 20% off food. Instead, they will have to pay half price for their beverages and full price for their lunchtime sandwiches and morning croissants. It's quite a change from what we've grown accustomed to, isn't it?

To soften the blow, Pret's UK managing director, Clare Clough, did mention in the communication that the price of the subscription will decrease from £30 to just £10. But let's be real, even if we were good at math, we can see that this doesn't quite add up. It's still a bit of a disappointment.

As the news spread, I couldn't help but notice the reactions of my colleagues and friends. Many of them were in a state of panic, wondering how this change will affect their daily routines. After all, the subscription has been in place since 2020, when Pret first introduced it to entice customers back during the pandemic. But it's not just in my circles that there's a sense of grief and anger. Even Twitter is filled with people threatening to cancel their subscriptions and lashing out at Pret's social media staff. Some have even compared the news to losing a family member or ending a long-term relationship. It's all a bit dramatic, don't you think?

But then again, I must admit, I am not a member of this not-so-exclusive club. And to be honest, I'm not particularly bothered by the fact that millions of people will soon be deprived of their hot cup of subpar coffee on their way to work. Or the smell of burnt beans first thing in the morning. I mean, do you really like Pret coffee? Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good deal as much as the next person. And I do enjoy the occasional Posh Cheddar or Swedish Meatball Hot Wrap from Pret. But when it comes to my caffeine fix, I take it very seriously. And I just can't understand how anyone can drink not just one, but five cups of that garbage Pret serves up. It's like dirty dishwater with a hint of coffee flavoring. Yuck.

The truth is, there are so many better options out there. And I'm not just talking about the more niche coffee shops like Monmouth and Hermanos, which may not be as convenient for your morning commute. Even chain coffee shops like Cafe Nero, Gail's, and Leon serve up much better quality coffee at a similar price point.

I believe that in this situation, people feel cheated because they think they're getting something for nothing, rather than genuinely mourning the loss of a quality product. Because let's be real, there is no quality in Pret's coffee. Call me a snob, but I think it's time for people to wake up and smell the coffee.

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