Citizens of Odisha are seeking a new government in the state, according to Om Birla.

Om Birla says BJP will win in Odisha as people want a new government, citing their frustration with current ruling party.

May 15th 2024.

Citizens of Odisha are seeking a new government in the state, according to Om Birla.
In Balasore, Lok Sabha Speaker and senior BJP leader Om Birla confidently asserted on Wednesday that the saffron party will emerge victorious in Odisha as the people of the state are yearning for a change in leadership. Speaking at a gathering, Birla emphasized that the citizens of Odisha are weary of the current Biju Janata Dal government's governance and are now determined to bring about a transformation.

It is noteworthy that the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections are taking place simultaneously in Odisha. Birla strongly condemned the ruling BJD party, stating that the people have begun to realize that for the past 25 years, they have been subjected to a non-performing government that has not catered to their best interests.

Bringing attention to the issue of Odisha's pride or "Asmita", Birla highlighted that it is now under threat. He credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi for propelling India's economy from the 11th to the 5th position globally. Furthermore, under Modi's leadership, the country has witnessed all-round development, leading to a significant improvement in India's image on the global stage.

In an effort to remind the audience of the advantages of a "double engine government", Birla emphasized that a government at both the Centre and the state, run by the same party, will lead to rapid progress and efficient functioning to meet the needs of the people in a coordinated manner.

The BJP candidate for Balasore Lok Sabha constituency, Pratap Sarangi, was also present at the meeting, showing his support for Birla's statements. The meeting was covered by PTI news agency.

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