Child star of 80s returning after 40 years for comeback.

Fans of NeverEnding Story come together.

May 25th 2024.

Child star of 80s returning after 40 years for comeback.
Fans of The NeverEnding Story can finally rejoice, as the beloved franchise's original star Tami Stronach is returning to the big screen after forty years. In 1984, Tami won hearts all over the world with her portrayal of the Childlike Empress in the fantasy film. Now, at 51 years old, she is ready to step back into the spotlight with the release of her new movie Man and Witch: The Dance of a Thousand Steps, which is inspired by the 1980s era.

In a recent interview with The Agency, Tami shared her excitement about this auspicious moment in her career. She reflected on the impact The NeverEnding Story had on her life and how it quickly became a cult classic. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen, the film launched Tami into overnight fame and she was even predicted to have a successful Hollywood career at the young age of 10. However, despite the initial success, Tami and her family were not prepared for the aftermath of the film's popularity.

As a child, Tami had always loved performing and The NeverEnding Story was her "happy place". She fondly remembers working with Wolfgang, who treated her with respect and professionalism, unlike many other directors who often patronized child actors. But as she grew older and became more aware of the industry's darker side, Tami and her family made the difficult decision to step back from Hollywood. The pitfalls of fame, including unwanted male attention and inappropriate scripts, were too much for them to handle.

Instead, Tami chose to pursue her love for theatre and dance, eventually founding her own dance company. While she never returned to the big screen, her presence among fans of The NeverEnding Story remained strong over the years. She received countless letters from fans, urging her to make a comeback. It was their unwavering support and love for the film that convinced Tami to finally make her return to the screen.

Now, Tami is a regular at Comic Cons, where she gets to meet and connect with long-time fans of the franchise. She is grateful for their support and considers them to be a part of her extended family. And as she prepares to make her silver screen comeback, Tami is filled with excitement and gratitude. She hopes that her story will inspire others to pursue their dreams and keep their imaginations alive, just like The NeverEnding Story did for her.
Great news for all the devoted fans of The NeverEnding Story! After forty long years, Tami Stronach is making her way back to the big screen. Some of you may remember Tami as the talented young actress who played the Childlike Empress in the beloved 1984 fantasy film. Now, at the age of 51, she is finally stepping back into the spotlight with her new movie, Man and Witch: The Dance of a Thousand Steps, which is inspired by the iconic 1980s era.

In an interview with The Agency, Tami shared that performing has always been her passion, ever since she was a little girl. She remembers loving it from the moment she could walk. And now, she is getting ready to grace our screens once again with her incredible talent. This is truly a momentous occasion for Tami and her fans alike.

Back in the 1980s, Tami captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with her powerful and raw performance as the Childlike Empress. The NeverEnding Story quickly became a family favorite and even gained a cult classic status. At the time, Tami, who was just ten years old, was hailed as the next big thing in Hollywood. For a brief moment, she became one of the most recognizable child actors in the world.

Tami looks back on her time on the set of The NeverEnding Story with fondness, calling it her "happy place." She remembers it being such a grand production and feeling incredibly lucky to be a part of it. Although she was just a child at the time, she didn't realize the magnitude of her role. She also credits her amazing experience to the talented director, Wolfgang Petersen, who treated her with the utmost professionalism and respect. Tami recalls feeling like he truly saw her as an actor and trusted her to understand the story.

However, with fame came its challenges for Tami and her family. As her popularity soared, so did the unwanted male attention and inappropriate scripts that were being offered to her. This led to her and her family making the difficult decision to step away from the industry. They were not a "Hollywood family," and navigating the pitfalls of fame was not something they were equipped for.

Looking back, Tami admits that dealing with stalkers was one of the most challenging aspects of her fame. She was also offered scripts with mature content that she felt strongly against as a child. She knew she wanted to be a part of meaningful and impactful projects, and some of the roles being offered to her did not align with her values. Tami acknowledges that there are some child stars, like Natalie Portman, who have successfully navigated the industry, but it takes a lot of strength and intelligence to do so.

Despite turning down offers for three or four acting roles immediately after The NeverEnding Story, Tami stayed true to her passion for the arts. She pursued theater and dance work for the next few decades, and eventually established her own dance company. She always knew she wanted to come back to the big screen, but it had to be on her own terms. It took her some time to figure out if it was possible, but she finally found the perfect project, her current film, with her husband.

Even though Tami hasn't been in a film since The NeverEnding Story, her presence among fans has endured for the past forty years. She is touched by the impact her character in the film has had on people, and she sees it as a reflection of the film's message. The NeverEnding Story is all about keeping our creativity and imagination alive, and that is exactly what Tami has done over the years. She is grateful for the fans who have stayed dedicated to her and the film, continuously asking her when she will make another movie. Their unwavering support and love for the film convinced her to return to the big screen.

Today, Tami is a familiar face at Comic Cons, where she gets to connect with fans and celebrate the character that brought her so much fame and joy. She describes the fans as a family and is moved by their stories of how the film has impacted their lives. Tami is humbled by the fan's dedication, and it was ultimately their pleas that brought her back to the big screen.

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