Paul Sinha from The Chase is unsure which friend revealed his sexuality.

He expressed frustration at not being in control of the decision.

June 27th 2024.

Paul Sinha from The Chase is unsure which friend revealed his sexuality.
In the latest episode of Loose Women, the charming TV personality Paul Sinha opened up about a personal moment in his life. The Chase star shared the story of when he came out to his mother as gay, and how it wasn't exactly the way he had planned.

At the age of 35, Paul mustered up the courage to share his truth with his family, especially knowing that his Bengali family had more conservative views. He had always been nervous about this moment, but he wanted to be honest with his loved ones. However, before he could do so, someone else took the decision out of his hands.

Paul shared that at a house party, someone who he knows had a bit too much to drink and ended up calling his home and blurting out, "Your son's gay!" before abruptly hanging up. The audience was surprised and gasped at this revelation. Paul expressed how he wanted his mother to find out in a more organic and gentle manner, but the decision was taken away from him, which made it difficult.

He later joked about holding a poll to figure out which of his friends could have possibly outed him, but he still doesn't know who it was. He shared that no one has admitted to it, and he has moved past it. The presenters and audience members laughed and applauded when Paul took a playful jab at the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, over a recent scandal.

When asked about his parents' reaction to his coming out, Paul shared that they were very understanding and supportive. The presenter, Brenda Edwards, asked if he wished he had come out sooner, to which Paul replied that he believes life happens as it should and that every closed door leads to another opportunity.

In July 2021, Paul shared how much love and support he has received from his family, especially his father, who even took his husband's side during an argument. He found it endearing and cute, showing just how much his father loves his husband.

The popular quiz master also talked about his successful marriage to husband Oliver Levy, with whom he tied the knot in December 2019. Loose Women airs every weekday on ITV1 and ITVX. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, you can get in touch with the entertainment team at The Agency through email, phone, or by visiting their Submit Stuff page. They would love to hear from you.

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