Chelsea & Man City warned they could face relegation after Everton's deduction of 10 points.

City & Chelsea may face harsher sanctions than Everton.

November 17th 2023.

Chelsea & Man City warned they could face relegation after Everton's deduction of 10 points.
Everton have been dealt a heavy blow as the Premier League have imposed a 10-point deduction upon them for breaching the Financial Fair Play rules. This sees them drop from 14th to 19th in the table.

Other big teams such as Chelsea and Manchester City are also under the scrutiny of the Premier League for potential financial rule breaches. Stefan Borson, a lawyer who has advised City in the past, believes both teams could face harsher punishments than Everton.

Everton maintain that they have been open and transparent in the information they have provided to the Premier League and have respected the integrity of the process. They released a statement expressing their shock and disappointment with the ruling of the Premier League’s Commission, and have since announced their intention to appeal the decision.

The club also declared that they do not accept the finding that they failed to act with the utmost good faith and are yet to understand that this was ever an allegation made by the Premier League. They believe the harshness and severity of the sanction imposed are neither fair nor a reasonable reflection of the evidence submitted.

The appeal process is now set to commence and Everton will be heard by an Appeal Board appointed pursuant to the Premier League’s rules in due course. They will also be keenly monitoring the decisions made in any other cases concerning the Premier League’s Profit and Sustainability Rules.

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